Sandbox and Production environments operate identically for tax calculation and reporting. Tax calculations produce the same results when identical client profiles are used in both environments.
Some differences between Sandbox and Production:
Each environment is self-contained and does not impact the other environment. Some examples:
When a profile is updated in one environment, it does not impact the other environment unless you request both environments be updated. Sandbox can be used to test profile changes in before applying the same profile to Production.
Calculations performed in one environment only appear in reports for that environment. If you are testing a bill run in Sandbox, you can perform the bill run repeatedly with no impact to Production reports.
Access provided to users in one environment has no impact on who has access to the other environment. Developers, QA, and other team members can be given access to Sandbox, but not given access to Production.
Automated compliance reports for returns are generated from Production only.
Similar to the /api/v2/afc/location/{pcode}endpoint, but works as a "best match." Returns location info for the primary jurisdiction associated with the specified PCode