Chapter 4.3.8 - Sales and Use

Communications REST v2 returns Sales and Use taxes in addition to communications taxes.

On an SAU transaction:

  • Use the /api/v2/afc/tspairs endpoint to find a list of Sales and Use Transaction/Service Pairs
  • Set Attribute Property (prop)
  • Specify the jurisdiction(s)
  • Set the common characteristics of a transaction, such as charge (chg), invoice date (date), and sale type (sale)
  • Include any additional information, such as tax overrides (ovr) and exemptions (exms)

Property and Attributes

An SAU transaction requires that an attribute and properties are set to describe the transaction in more detail.

  • An Attribute refers to ancillary transactions related to the actual sale. For example:
    • installation
    • Maintenance and service contracts
    • Warranties
  • Properties specify the details of the transaction’s Attribute
  • Set Attribute Property (prop) to the ID of the property and attribute combination.
    See SAU Attributes and Properties for a list of valid attribute and property combinations.

    Sales and Use Example

    Sales and Use Transaction/Service Pairs (tran and serv) are used.
    "cmpn": {
    "bscl": 0,
    "svcl": 0,
    "fclt": false,
    "frch": false,
    "reg": false
    "inv": [
    "doc": "TEST-SAU INVOICE",
    "cmmt": false,
    "bill": {
    "cnty": "San Francisco",
    "ctry": "USA",
    "int": true,
    "geo": false,
    "city": "San Francisco",
    "st": "CA",
    "zip": "94102"
    "cust": 0,
    "lfln": false,
    "date": "2018-05-01T12:00:00Z",
    "itms": [
    "ref": "Line Item 001 - Retail Sale General Merchandise/General Rule Default Attribute-Property",
    "chg": 100,
    "line": 0,
    "sale": 1,
    "incl": false,
    "tran": 34,
    "serv": 106,
    "prop": 0,
    "dbt": false,
    "adj": false
    "ref": "Line Item 002 - Consumer Use General Merchandise/General Rule Discount Attribute-Cash Discount Property",
    "chg": 100,
    "line": 0,
    "sale": 2,
    "incl": false,
    "tran": 34,
    "serv": 106,
    "prop": 13,
    "dbt": false,
    "adj": false
    "ref": "Line Item 003 - Vendor Use General Merchandise/General Rule Discount Attribute-Coupons Third Party Property",
    "chg": 100,
    "line": 0,
    "sale": 3,
    "incl": false,
    "tran": 34,
    "serv": 106,
    "prop": 7,
    "dbt": false,
    "adj": false
    "invm": true,
    "dtl": true,
    "summ": true,
    "opt": [
    "key": "1",
    "val": "SAU Sample Line Items Invoice ABC-ZZZ"


    Sales and Use taxes, identified by the SALES AND USE TAXES category (cat), are returned.
    View the Response JSON
    "inv": [
    "doc": "TEST-SAU INVOICE",
    "itms": [
    "ref": "Line Item 001 - Retail Sale General Merchandise/General Rule Default Attribute-Property",
    "txs": [
    "bill": true,
    "cmpl": true,
    "tm": 100,
    "calc": 1,
    "cat": "SALES AND USE TAXES",
    "cid": 1,
    "name": "District Tax",
    "exm": 0,
    "lns": 0,
    "min": 0,
    "pcd": 377200,
    "rate": 0.0125,
    "sur": false,
    "tax": 1.25,
    "lvl": 2,
    "tid": 4
    "bill": true,
    "cmpl": true,
    "tm": 100,
    "calc": 1,
    "cat": "SALES AND USE TAXES",
    "cid": 1,
    "name": "Sales Tax",
    "exm": 0,
    "lns": 0,
    "min": 0,
    "pcd": 377300,
    "rate": 0.0125,
    "sur": false,
    "tax": 1.25,
    "lvl": 2,
    "tid": 1
    "bill": true,
    "cmpl": true,
    "tm": 100,
    "calc": 1,
    "cat": "SALES AND USE TAXES",
    "cid": 1,
    "name": "Sales Tax",
    "exm": 0,
    "lns": 0,
    "min": 0,
    "pcd": 377300,
    "rate": 0.06,
    "sur": false,
    "tax": 6,
    "lvl": 1,
    "tid": 1
    "ref": "Line Item 002 - Consumer Use General Merchandise/General Rule Discount Attribute-Cash Discount Property",
    "txs": [
    "bill": true,
    "cmpl": true,
    "tm": 100,
    "calc": 1,
    "cat": "SALES AND USE TAXES",
    "cid": 1,
    "name": "Consumer Use Tax",
    "exm": 0,
    "lns": 0,
    "min": 0,
    "pcd": 377300,
    "rate": 0.0125,
    "sur": false,
    "tax": 1.25,
    "lvl": 2,
    "tid": 357
    "bill": true,
    "cmpl": true,
    "tm": 100,
    "calc": 1,
    "cat": "SALES AND USE TAXES",
    "cid": 1,
    "name": "Consumer Use Tax",
    "exm": 0,
    "lns": 0,
    "min": 0,
    "pcd": 377300,
    "rate": 0.06,
    "sur": false,
    "tax": 6,
    "lvl": 1,
    "tid": 357
    "bill": true,
    "cmpl": true,
    "tm": 100,
    "calc": 1,
    "cat": "SALES AND USE TAXES",
    "cid": 1,
    "name": "District Consumer Use Tax",
    "exm": 0,
    "lns": 0,
    "min": 0,
    "pcd": 377200,
    "rate": 0.0125,
    "sur": false,
    "tax": 1.25,
    "lvl": 2,
    "tid": 358
    "ref": "Line Item 003 - Vendor Use General Merchandise/General Rule Discount Attribute-Coupons Third Party Property"
    "summ": [
    "max": 2147483647,
    "min": 0,
    "tchg": 100,
    "calc": 1,
    "cat": "SALES AND USE TAXES",
    "cid": 1,
    "name": "District Tax",
    "exm": 0,
    "lns": 0,
    "pcd": 377200,
    "rate": 0.0125,
    "sur": false,
    "tax": 1.25,
    "lvl": 2,
    "tid": 4
    "max": 2147483647,
    "min": 0,
    "tchg": 100,
    "calc": 1,
    "cat": "SALES AND USE TAXES",
    "cid": 1,
    "name": "Sales Tax",
    "exm": 0,
    "lns": 0,
    "pcd": 377300,
    "rate": 0.0125,
    "sur": false,
    "tax": 1.25,
    "lvl": 2,
    "tid": 1
    "max": 2147483647,
    "min": 0,
    "tchg": 100,
    "calc": 1,
    "cat": "SALES AND USE TAXES",
    "cid": 1,
    "name": "Sales Tax",
    "exm": 0,
    "lns": 0,
    "pcd": 377300,
    "rate": 0.06,
    "sur": false,
    "tax": 6,
    "lvl": 1,
    "tid": 1
    "max": 2147483647,
    "min": 0,
    "tchg": 100,
    "calc": 1,
    "cat": "SALES AND USE TAXES",
    "cid": 1,
    "name": "Consumer Use Tax",
    "exm": 0,
    "lns": 0,
    "pcd": 377300,
    "rate": 0.0125,
    "sur": false,
    "tax": 1.25,
    "lvl": 2,
    "tid": 357
    "max": 2147483647,
    "min": 0,
    "tchg": 100,
    "calc": 1,
    "cat": "SALES AND USE TAXES",
    "cid": 1,
    "name": "Consumer Use Tax",
    "exm": 0,
    "lns": 0,
    "pcd": 377300,
    "rate": 0.06,
    "sur": false,
    "tax": 6,
    "lvl": 1,
    "tid": 357
    "max": 2147483647,
    "min": 0,
    "tchg": 100,
    "calc": 1,
    "cat": "SALES AND USE TAXES",
    "cid": 1,
    "name": "District Consumer Use Tax",
    "exm": 0,
    "lns": 0,
    "pcd": 377200,
    "rate": 0.0125,
    "sur": false,
    "tax": 1.25,
    "lvl": 2,
    "tid": 358

    See Also

    Input Objects

    Output Objects

    Helpful Pages