Chapter 4.3.13 - Transaction-Level Commit/Uncommit

REST v2 provides the ability to commit or uncommit transactions and only include the committed transactions within compliance reports. A transaction can be committed at any time as long as there is a Document Code associated to it. However, be aware that committing or uncommitting a document code commits/uncommits all transactions with the specified Document Code (doc). The Document Code can be associated with a bill run, an invoice, a customer, or a transaction.

Use these methods to commit and uncommit Document Codes:

  • Commit API
  • Commit field (cmmt) directly in the transaction

This page covers the transaction-level Commit/Uncommit process. For more information, see Commit Request.

Transaction-Level Commit Example

This example is committing Document Code (doc) “DocumentXYZ123” by setting the Commit flag (cmmt) to true.

"cmpn": {
"bscl": 0,
"svcl": 0,
"fclt": false,
"frch": false,
"reg": false
"inv": [
"doc": "DocumentXYZ123",
"cmmt": true,
"bill": {
"cnty": "San Francisco",
"ctry": "USA",
"int": true,
"geo": false,
"city": "San Francisco",
"st": "CA",
"zip": "94102"
"cust": 0,
"lfln": false,
"date": "2018-05-01T12:00:00Z",
"itms": [
"ref": "Tax Item 001 - VoIP/Access Charge",
"chg": 100,
"line": 0,
"sale": 1,
"incl": false,
"tran": 19,
"serv": 6,
"dbt": false,
"adj": false
"invm": false,
"dtl": true,
"summ": false


Taxes (txs) are returned as normal.

View the Response JSON
"inv": [
"doc": "DocumentXYZ123",
"itms": [
"ref": "Tax Item 001 - VoIP/Access Charge",
"txs": [
"bill": true,
"cmpl": true,
"tm": 35.099999999999994,
"calc": 1,
"cid": 5,
"name": "Universal Lifeline Telephone Service Charge (VoIP)",
"exm": 64.9,
"lns": 0,
"min": 0,
"pcd": 253500,
"rate": 0.0475,
"sur": true,
"tax": 1.6672499999999997,
"lvl": 1,
"tid": 454
"bill": true,
"cmpl": true,
"tm": 35.099999999999994,
"calc": 1,
"cid": 5,
"name": "CASF (VoIP)",
"exm": 64.9,
"lns": 0,
"min": 0,
"pcd": 253500,
"rate": 0.0056,
"sur": true,
"tax": 0.19655999999999996,
"lvl": 1,
"tid": 453
"bill": true,
"cmpl": true,
"tm": 35.099999999999994,
"calc": 1,
"cid": 5,
"name": "CA Teleconnect Fund (VoIP)",
"exm": 64.9,
"lns": 0,
"min": 0,
"pcd": 253500,
"rate": 0.0108,
"sur": true,
"tax": 0.37908,
"lvl": 1,
"tid": 452
"bill": true,
"cmpl": true,
"tm": 35.099999999999994,
"calc": 1,
"cid": 5,
"name": "CA High Cost Fund A (VoIP)",
"exm": 64.9,
"lns": 0,
"min": 0,
"pcd": 253500,
"rate": 0.0035,
"sur": true,
"tax": 0.12284999999999999,
"lvl": 1,
"tid": 450
"bill": true,
"cmpl": true,
"tm": 35.099999999999994,
"calc": 1,
"cid": 5,
"name": "TRS (VoIP)",
"exm": 64.9,
"lns": 0,
"min": 0,
"pcd": 253500,
"rate": 0.005,
"sur": true,
"tax": 0.17549999999999996,
"lvl": 1,
"tid": 217
"bill": true,
"cmpl": true,
"tm": 35.099999999999994,
"calc": 1,
"cat": "E-911 CHARGES",
"cid": 7,
"name": "E911 (VoIP)",
"exm": 64.9,
"lns": 0,
"min": 0,
"pcd": 253500,
"rate": 0.0075,
"sur": false,
"tax": 0.26324999999999993,
"lvl": 1,
"tid": 161
"bill": true,
"cmpl": true,
"tm": 64.9,
"calc": 1,
"cid": 5,
"name": "FUSF (VoIP)",
"exm": 35.099999999999994,
"lns": 0,
"min": 0,
"pcd": 0,
"rate": 0.184,
"sur": false,
"tax": 11.941600000000001,
"lvl": 0,
"tid": 162
"bill": true,
"cmpl": true,
"tm": 64.9,
"calc": 1,
"cid": 6,
"name": "FCC Regulatory Fee (VoIP)",
"exm": 35.099999999999994,
"lns": 0,
"min": 0,
"pcd": 0,
"rate": 0.00291,
"sur": false,
"tax": 0.188859,
"lvl": 0,
"tid": 226

Transaction-Level Uncommit Example

This example is uncommitting Document Code (doc) “DocumentXYZ123” by setting the Commit flag (cmmt) to false.

"cmpn": {
"bscl": 0,
"svcl": 0,
"fclt": false,
"frch": false,
"reg": false
"inv": [
"doc": "DocumentXYZ123",
"cmmt": false,
"bill": {
"cnty": "San Francisco",
"ctry": "USA",
"int": true,
"geo": false,
"city": "San Francisco",
"st": "CA",
"zip": "94102"
"cust": 0,
"lfln": false,
"date": "2018-05-01T12:00:00Z",
"itms": [
"ref": "Tax Item 001 - VoIP/Access Charge",
"chg": 100,
"line": 0,
"sale": 1,
"incl": false,
"tran": 19,
"serv": 6,
"dbt": false,
"adj": false
"invm": false,
"dtl": true,
"summ": false


Taxes (txs) are returned as normal.

View the Response JSON
"inv": [
"doc": "DocumentXYZ123",
"itms": [
"ref": "Tax Item 001 - VoIP/Access Charge",
"txs": [
"bill": true,
"cmpl": true,
"tm": 35.099999999999994,
"calc": 1,
"cid": 5,
"name": "Universal Lifeline Telephone Service Charge (VoIP)",
"exm": 64.9,
"lns": 0,
"min": 0,
"pcd": 253500,
"rate": 0.0475,
"sur": true,
"tax": 1.6672499999999997,
"lvl": 1,
"tid": 454
"bill": true,
"cmpl": true,
"tm": 35.099999999999994,
"calc": 1,
"cid": 5,
"name": "CASF (VoIP)",
"exm": 64.9,
"lns": 0,
"min": 0,
"pcd": 253500,
"rate": 0.0056,
"sur": true,
"tax": 0.19655999999999996,
"lvl": 1,
"tid": 453
"bill": true,
"cmpl": true,
"tm": 35.099999999999994,
"calc": 1,
"cid": 5,
"name": "CA Teleconnect Fund (VoIP)",
"exm": 64.9,
"lns": 0,
"min": 0,
"pcd": 253500,
"rate": 0.0108,
"sur": true,
"tax": 0.37908,
"lvl": 1,
"tid": 452
"bill": true,
"cmpl": true,
"tm": 35.099999999999994,
"calc": 1,
"cid": 5,
"name": "CA High Cost Fund A (VoIP)",
"exm": 64.9,
"lns": 0,
"min": 0,
"pcd": 253500,
"rate": 0.0035,
"sur": true,
"tax": 0.12284999999999999,
"lvl": 1,
"tid": 450
"bill": true,
"cmpl": true,
"tm": 35.099999999999994,
"calc": 1,
"cid": 5,
"name": "TRS (VoIP)",
"exm": 64.9,
"lns": 0,
"min": 0,
"pcd": 253500,
"rate": 0.005,
"sur": true,
"tax": 0.17549999999999996,
"lvl": 1,
"tid": 217
"bill": true,
"cmpl": true,
"tm": 35.099999999999994,
"calc": 1,
"cat": "E-911 CHARGES",
"cid": 7,
"name": "E911 (VoIP)",
"exm": 64.9,
"lns": 0,
"min": 0,
"pcd": 253500,
"rate": 0.0075,
"sur": false,
"tax": 0.26324999999999993,
"lvl": 1,
"tid": 161
"bill": true,
"cmpl": true,
"tm": 64.9,
"calc": 1,
"cid": 5,
"name": "FUSF (VoIP)",
"exm": 35.099999999999994,
"lns": 0,
"min": 0,
"pcd": 0,
"rate": 0.184,
"sur": false,
"tax": 11.941600000000001,
"lvl": 0,
"tid": 162
"bill": true,
"cmpl": true,
"tm": 64.9,
"calc": 1,
"cid": 6,
"name": "FCC Regulatory Fee (VoIP)",
"exm": 35.099999999999994,
"lns": 0,
"min": 0,
"pcd": 0,
"rate": 0.00291,
"sur": false,
"tax": 0.188859,
"lvl": 0,
"tid": 226

Commit API

The same actions can be taken by using the /api/v2/afc/Commit endpoint. Just execute the Commit endpoint with the desired Document Code (doc) and Commit flag (cmmt) values set.

See Also

Input Objects

Output Objects

Helpful Pages