The LineItem
object contains detailed information about a single transaction:
Key | Value |
ref | [string] Reference code Reference ID for line item
from | [Location] The point of origin for the line item There are several ways to input location information. For more information, see Location |
to | [Location] The destination of the line item There are several ways to input location information. For more information, see Location |
chg | [double] Charge Amount |
line | [int] Number of lines |
loc | [int] Number of locations |
min | [double] Number of minutes |
sale | [int] required Sale Type Indicates the type transaction, such as retail or wholesale
plsp | [double] Private Line Split A percentage used to split a transaction charge between two points. For example:
plsp to 0 means 0% for Point 'A' and 100% for Point 'Z' |
incl | [bool] Tax Inclusive Indicates if the charge for this line item is tax inclusive
pror | [double] Pro-rated Percentage A percentage used for the pro-rated calculation of fixed taxes Remove the key from the line item if you don't want to use Proration functionality. Setting prop to 0 means 0% proration for pro-rateable fixed taxes. |
proadj | [int] Pro-Rated Adjustment Type Defines the adjustment type for pro-rated credit or adjustment calculations.
tran | [int] required Transaction Type ID The first part of the T/S Pair that defines the product to be taxed For a list of transaction/service types, check out the /api/v2/afc/tspairs endpoint |
serv | [int] required Service Type ID The second part of the T/S Pair that defines the product to be taxed For a list of transaction/service types, check out the /api/v2/afc/tspairs endpoint |
dbt | [bool] Debit Indicates if the Line Item is prepaid
adj | [bool] IsAdjustment Indicates if this line item is an adjustment
adjm | [int] Adjustment Method Always set to 0 . The use of this field has been deprecated |
disc | [int] Discount Type for adjustments Note: Using a Discount Type other than 0 None may result in a $0.00 tax calculation, because some jurisdictions don't allow tax refunds for other discount types.
opt | [KeyValuePair] Optional Fields A list of Optional Fields to apply to the line item |
prop | [int] Attribute Property The attribute and property used for supported Sales and Use Transaction/Service pairs See SAU Attributes and Properties for a list of valid attribute and property combinations |
bill | [Location] Bill To Location There are several ways to input location information. For more information,see the Location |
cust | [int] Customer Type
lfln | [bool] Lifeline
date | [timestamp] Invoice Date ex. 2009-12-01T03:00:00 The date when the transaction took place. An accurate timestamp in this field is important! This affects the rules our tax engine applies when calculating taxes For example, if you submit a CalcTaxes request with a date of 7/1/2018 , the tax engine uses the rules that apply for your jurisdiction on 7/1/2018 . If the transaction actually occurred on 7/25/2018 , and the tax rate for this transaction changed after 7/1/2018 , you may receive incorrect tax information |
qty | [int] Quantity Quantity to be applied to the line item - taxation is equivalent to repeating the item the number of times of the quantity. The field must be a positive integer greater than or equal to 1. Quantity is not supported on Tax Inclusive or Prorated transactions |
glref | [string] General Ledger Reference General Ledger Reference field for use in reporting
Limited to 10,000 line items per request.
These fields override the same fields set on the Invoice:
)"itms": [ { "ref": "Reference Code for Line Item", "from": { // Location }, "to": { // Location }, "chg": 100, "line": 0, "loc": 0, "min": 0, "sale": 1, "plsp": 0, "incl": false, "pror": 0, "proadj": 0, "tran": 19, "serv": 6, "dbt": false, "adj": false, "adjm": 0, "disc": 0, "opt": [ { // Key Value Pair } ], "prop": 0, "bill": { // Location }, "cust": 0, "lfln": false, "date": "2018-09-23T20:31:53.452Z", "qty": 1, "glref": "General Ledger Reference" }]