A category exemption allows you to exempt taxes based on a category ID (cat
) for a jurisdiction (loc
). The category exemption is set on the invoice and applies to all line items included in the invoice.
Use the category wildcard (set cat
to 0
) to exempt all categories.
A list of tax types is available in the /api/v2/afc/taxtype/{taxType}
Lookup endpoint. Pass “*” in {taxType}
to return all tax types.
Category ID | Name | Description |
0 | Wildcard | Value used to select all categories |
1 | Sales and Use Taxes | Includes a variety of sales, district, transit, consumer use, vendor use, rental, e-waste, and special or improvement district taxes. Includes Canadian tax types |
2 | Business Taxes | Typically imposed for the right to do business within a jurisdiction. Includes license taxes, business & occupation taxes, and franchise taxes |
3 | Gross Receipts Taxes | Include Carrier and Statutory Gross Receipts taxes as well as several state specific surcharges and taxes |
4 | Excise Taxes | Consumer or seller excise taxes, including those specific to communications services as well as those that apply broadly |
5 | Connectivity Charges | Covers federal and state universal service funds, high cost funds, and telecommunications relay service and surcharges |
6 | Regulatory Charges | Includes Public Utility Commission Fees and FCC Regulatory Fees. Typically funds the agencies that impose them |
7 | E-911 Charges | Covers a variety of enhanced 911 and poison control funds |
8 | Utility User Taxes | Taxes passed by states where utilities are believed to be intangible. Applied in place of sales taxes and often at higher rates |
9 | Right of Way Fees | Covers taxes to maintain telecommunications infrastructure and municipal right of ways |
10 | Communications Services Tax | Includes taxes related to satellite, wireless, cable, and non-facilities |
11 | Cable Regulatory Fees | Includes FCC regulatory fees, franchise taxes, and public education and government (PEG) access fees remitted by cable providers |
12 | Reserved | Reserved tax types are created for unique customer situations or are for AFC development use |
13 | Value Added Taxes | Taxes payable on the consumption of goods and services, general in nature, neutral, and exactly proportional to the price of the goods and services on which they are computed |
Exemption fields used for category exemptions and default values for the applicable fields:
Key | Name | Default if Not Set |
cat | Category ID | No default - must be set |
loc | Jurisdiction | No default - must be set |
exnb | Exempt Non-Billable | false |
scp | Scope | State + County + City if State or lower jurisdiction All if Country level jurisdiction For more information, see Scope |
dom | Domain | State if State or lower jurisdiction Federal if Country level jurisdiction For more information, see Domain |
For more information about fields, see Exemptions.
This example demonstrates the use of scope (scp
), set to a different combination for each exemption.
{ "cmpn": { "bscl": 1, "svcl": 0, "fclt": true, "frch": true, "reg": false }, "inv": [ { "bill": { "ctry": "USA", "st": "PR", "city": "Adjuntas", "zip": "00601", "int": true }, "cust": 1, "lfln": false, "date": "2018-02-01T12:00:00Z", "exms": [ { "loc": { "pcd": 5116000 }, "cat": 7, "scp": 256 }, { "loc": { "pcd": 5116000 }, "cat": 1, "scp": 1792 }, { "loc": { "pcd": 5116000 }, "cat": 5, "scp": 128 }, { "loc": { "pcd": 5116000 }, "cat": 6, "scp": 1792 } ], "itms": [ { "ref": "2.02.scope", "chg": 100, "line": 0, "sale": 1, "incl": false, "tran": 13, "serv": 6, "dbt": false, "adj": false } ], "invm": true, "dtl": true, "summ": false } ]}
The effects of scope are apparent based the category ID (cid
) and tax level (lvl
{ "inv": [ { "itms": [ { "ref": "2.02.scope", "txs": [ { "bill": true, "cmpl": true, "tm": 0, "calc": 2, "cat": "E-911 CHARGES", "cid": 7, "name": "E911 (Business)", "exm": 0, "lns": 0, "min": 0, "pcd": 5115900, "rate": 1, "sur": false, "tax": 0, "lvl": 1, "tid": 35 }, { "bill": true, "cmpl": true, "tm": 62.9, "calc": 1, "cat": "CONNECTIVITY CHARGES", "cid": 5, "name": "State Universal Service Fund", "exm": 37.1, "lns": 0, "min": 0, "pcd": 5115900, "rate": 0.0139, "sur": false, "tax": 0.8743099999999999, "lvl": 1, "tid": 13 }, { "bill": true, "cmpl": true, "tm": 0, "calc": 1, "cat": "SALES AND USE TAXES", "cid": 1, "name": "Sales Tax", "exm": 100, "lns": 0, "min": 0, "pcd": 5116000, "rate": 0.01, "sur": false, "tax": 0, "lvl": 3, "tid": 1 }, { "bill": true, "cmpl": true, "tm": 0, "calc": 1, "cat": "SALES AND USE TAXES", "cid": 1, "name": "Sales Tax", "exm": 100, "lns": 0, "min": 0, "pcd": 5116000, "rate": 0.105, "sur": false, "tax": 0, "lvl": 1, "tid": 1 }, { "bill": true, "cmpl": true, "tm": 0, "calc": 1, "cat": "CONNECTIVITY CHARGES", "cid": 5, "name": "Fed USF Cellular", "exm": 100, "lns": 0, "min": 0, "pcd": 0, "rate": 0.195, "sur": false, "tax": 0, "lvl": 0, "tid": 55 }, { "bill": true, "cmpl": true, "tm": 100, "calc": 2, "cat": "REGULATORY CHARGES", "cid": 6, "name": "FCC Regulatory Fee (Wireless)", "exm": 0, "lns": 0, "min": 0, "pcd": 0, "rate": 0.016667, "sur": false, "tax": 0.016667, "lvl": 0, "tid": 170 } ] } ] } ]}
This example demonstrates the use of domain (dom
), set to a different domain - in combination with scope - for each exemption.
{ "cmpn": { "bscl": 1, "svcl": 0, "fclt": true, "frch": true, "reg": false }, "inv": [ { "bill": { "ctry": "USA", "st": "PR", "city": "Adjuntas", "zip": "00601", "int": true }, "cust": 1, "lfln": false, "date": "2018-02-01T12:00:00Z", "exms": [ { "loc": { "pcd": 5116000 }, "cat": 7, "dom": 0 }, { "loc": { "pcd": 5116000 }, "cat": 1, "dom": 1, "scp": 1792 }, { "loc": { "pcd": 0 }, "cat": 5, "dom": 3, "scp": 128 }, { "loc": { "pcd": 2604100 }, "cat": 6, "dom": 1, "scp": 128 } ], "itms": [ { "ref": "2.03.dom", "chg": 100, "line": 0, "sale": 1, "incl": false, "tran": 13, "serv": 6, "dbt": false, "adj": false } ], "invm": true, "dtl": true, "summ": false } ]}
The effects of domain are apparent based the category ID (cid
) and tax level (lvl
{ "inv": [ { "itms": [ { "ref": "2.03.dom", "txs": [ { "bill": true, "cmpl": true, "tm": 0, "calc": 2, "cat": "E-911 CHARGES", "cid": 7, "name": "E911 (Business)", "exm": 0, "lns": 0, "min": 0, "pcd": 5115900, "rate": 1, "sur": false, "tax": 0, "lvl": 1, "tid": 35 }, { "bill": true, "cmpl": true, "tm": 62.9, "calc": 1, "cat": "CONNECTIVITY CHARGES", "cid": 5, "name": "State Universal Service Fund", "exm": 37.1, "lns": 0, "min": 0, "pcd": 5115900, "rate": 0.0139, "sur": false, "tax": 0.8743099999999999, "lvl": 1, "tid": 13 }, { "bill": true, "cmpl": true, "tm": 0, "calc": 1, "cat": "SALES AND USE TAXES", "cid": 1, "name": "Sales Tax", "exm": 100, "lns": 0, "min": 0, "pcd": 5116000, "rate": 0.01, "sur": false, "tax": 0, "lvl": 3, "tid": 1 }, { "bill": true, "cmpl": true, "tm": 0, "calc": 1, "cat": "SALES AND USE TAXES", "cid": 1, "name": "Sales Tax", "exm": 100, "lns": 0, "min": 0, "pcd": 5116000, "rate": 0.105, "sur": false, "tax": 0, "lvl": 1, "tid": 1 }, { "bill": true, "cmpl": true, "tm": 0, "calc": 1, "cat": "CONNECTIVITY CHARGES", "cid": 5, "name": "Fed USF Cellular", "exm": 100, "lns": 0, "min": 0, "pcd": 0, "rate": 0.195, "sur": false, "tax": 0, "lvl": 0, "tid": 55 }, { "bill": true, "cmpl": true, "tm": 100, "calc": 2, "cat": "REGULATORY CHARGES", "cid": 6, "name": "FCC Regulatory Fee (Wireless)", "exm": 0, "lns": 0, "min": 0, "pcd": 0, "rate": 0.016667, "sur": false, "tax": 0.016667, "lvl": 0, "tid": 170 } ] } ] } ]}
This example demonstrates the use of the wildcard category (cat
is 0) to exempt all categories at all levels (scp
is 1920). Update the scope (scp
) or include a domain (dom
) to limit where the wildcard category is applied.
{ "cmpn": { "bscl": 1, "svcl": 0, "fclt": true, "frch": true, "reg": false }, "inv": [ { "bill": { "ctry": "USA", "st": "PR", "city": "Adjuntas", "zip": "00601", "int": true }, "cust": 1, "lfln": false, "date": "2018-02-01T12:00:00Z", "exms": [ { "loc": { "pcd": 5116000 }, "cat": 0, "dom": 0, "scp": 1920 } ], "itms": [ { "ref": "2.04.wild", "chg": 100, "line": 0, "sale": 1, "incl": false, "tran": 13, "serv": 6, "dbt": false, "adj": false } ], "invm": true, "dtl": true, "summ": false } ]}
All taxes are exempt except for the non-billable tax (bill
is false
{ "inv": [ { "itms": [ { "ref": "2.04.wild", "txs": [ { "bill": true, "cmpl": true, "tm": 0, "calc": 2, "cat": "E-911 CHARGES", "cid": 7, "name": "E911 (Business)", "exm": 0, "lns": 0, "min": 0, "pcd": 5115900, "rate": 1, "sur": false, "tax": 0, "lvl": 1, "tid": 35 }, { "bill": true, "cmpl": true, "tm": 0, "calc": 1, "cat": "CONNECTIVITY CHARGES", "cid": 5, "name": "State Universal Service Fund", "exm": 100, "lns": 0, "min": 0, "pcd": 5115900, "rate": 0.0139, "sur": false, "tax": 0, "lvl": 1, "tid": 13 }, { "bill": true, "cmpl": true, "tm": 0, "calc": 1, "cat": "SALES AND USE TAXES", "cid": 1, "name": "Sales Tax", "exm": 100, "lns": 0, "min": 0, "pcd": 5116000, "rate": 0.01, "sur": false, "tax": 0, "lvl": 3, "tid": 1 }, { "bill": true, "cmpl": true, "tm": 0, "calc": 1, "cat": "SALES AND USE TAXES", "cid": 1, "name": "Sales Tax", "exm": 100, "lns": 0, "min": 0, "pcd": 5116000, "rate": 0.105, "sur": false, "tax": 0, "lvl": 1, "tid": 1 }, { "bill": true, "cmpl": true, "tm": 0, "calc": 1, "cat": "CONNECTIVITY CHARGES", "cid": 5, "name": "Fed USF Cellular", "exm": 100, "lns": 0, "min": 0, "pcd": 0, "rate": 0.195, "sur": false, "tax": 0, "lvl": 0, "tid": 55 }, { "bill": true, "cmpl": true, "tm": 0, "calc": 2, "cat": "REGULATORY CHARGES", "cid": 6, "name": "FCC Regulatory Fee (Wireless)", "exm": 100, "lns": 0, "min": 0, "pcd": 0, "rate": 0.0175, "sur": false, "tax": 0, "lvl": 0, "tid": 170 }, { "bill": false, "cmpl": true, "tm": 37.1, "calc": 1, "cat": "CONNECTIVITY CHARGES", "cid": 5, "name": "Telecommunications Relay Surcharge (Cellular)", "exm": 62.9, "lns": 0, "min": 0, "pcd": 0, "rate": 0.02289, "sur": false, "tax": 0.8492190000000001, "lvl": 0, "tid": 232 } ] } ] } ]}
This example sets the wildcard category (cat
is 0) to exempt all categories at all levels (scp
is 1920), with the additional Exclude Non-Billable flag (exnb
) set to true
. Update the scope (scp
) or the domain (dom
) to limit where the wildcard category is applied.
{ "cmpn": { "bscl": 1, "svcl": 0, "fclt": true, "frch": true, "reg": false }, "inv": [ { "bill": { "ctry": "USA", "st": "PR", "city": "Adjuntas", "zip": "00601", "int": true }, "cust": 1, "lfln": false, "date": "2018-02-01T12:00:00Z", "exms": [ { "loc": { "pcd": 5116000 }, "cat": 0, "dom": 0, "scp": 1920, "exnb": true } ], "itms": [ { "ref": "2.05.wild.nba", "chg": 100, "line": 0, "sale": 1, "incl": false, "tran": 13, "serv": 6, "dbt": false, "adj": false } ], "invm": true, "dtl": true, "summ": false } ]}
All taxes are exempt, including the non-billable tax (bill
is false
{ "inv": [ { "itms": [ { "ref": "2.05.wild.nba", "txs": [ { "bill": true, "cmpl": true, "tm": 0, "calc": 2, "cat": "E-911 CHARGES", "cid": 7, "name": "E911 (Business)", "exm": 0, "lns": 0, "min": 0, "pcd": 5115900, "rate": 1, "sur": false, "tax": 0, "lvl": 1, "tid": 35 }, { "bill": true, "cmpl": true, "tm": 0, "calc": 1, "cat": "CONNECTIVITY CHARGES", "cid": 5, "name": "State Universal Service Fund", "exm": 100, "lns": 0, "min": 0, "pcd": 5115900, "rate": 0.0139, "sur": false, "tax": 0, "lvl": 1, "tid": 13 }, { "bill": true, "cmpl": true, "tm": 0, "calc": 1, "cat": "SALES AND USE TAXES", "cid": 1, "name": "Sales Tax", "exm": 100, "lns": 0, "min": 0, "pcd": 5116000, "rate": 0.01, "sur": false, "tax": 0, "lvl": 3, "tid": 1 }, { "bill": true, "cmpl": true, "tm": 0, "calc": 1, "cat": "SALES AND USE TAXES", "cid": 1, "name": "Sales Tax", "exm": 100, "lns": 0, "min": 0, "pcd": 5116000, "rate": 0.105, "sur": false, "tax": 0, "lvl": 1, "tid": 1 }, { "bill": true, "cmpl": true, "tm": 0, "calc": 1, "cat": "CONNECTIVITY CHARGES", "cid": 5, "name": "Fed USF Cellular", "exm": 100, "lns": 0, "min": 0, "pcd": 0, "rate": 0.195, "sur": false, "tax": 0, "lvl": 0, "tid": 55 }, { "bill": true, "cmpl": true, "tm": 0, "calc": 2, "cat": "REGULATORY CHARGES", "cid": 6, "name": "FCC Regulatory Fee (Wireless)", "exm": 100, "lns": 0, "min": 0, "pcd": 0, "rate": 0.0175, "sur": false, "tax": 0, "lvl": 0, "tid": 170 }, { "bill": false, "cmpl": true, "tm": 0, "calc": 1, "cat": "CONNECTIVITY CHARGES", "cid": 5, "name": "Telecommunications Relay Surcharge (Cellular)", "exm": 100, "lns": 0, "min": 0, "pcd": 0, "rate": 0.02289, "sur": false, "tax": 0, "lvl": 0, "tid": 232 } ] } ] } ]}