The AddressLocation
object contains information about a geocoded jurisdiction:
Key | Value |
Alternate | [int] Alternate Indicates if the matching jurisdiction is an alternate to a primary location
CassAddress | [CassAddress] CASS Address Contains the CASS address data
CensusBlockGroup | [int] Census Block ID Smallest area surrounded by streets, geocoded based on census data CensusBlockGroup returns the individual Census Block ID rather than the Census Block Group ID Example: Block Group ID is 01 and Block ID is 014 - CensusBlockGroup contains 1014 |
CensusTract | [int] Census Tract ID Contiguous group of census block groups, geocoded based on census data |
CityName | [string] City City name of the matching address |
Country | [string] Country 3-character Country ISO of the matching address |
County | [string] County County name the matching address is within |
ErrorMessage | [string] Error Message Error message text (if applicable) |
FeatureID | [int] Feature ID Unique and permanent geographic feature identifier assigned by the U.S. Board on Geographic Names (Geographic Names Information System (GNIS) Feature ID) |
FipsCode | [long] FIPS Code
FipsPlaceName | [string] FIPS Place Name FIPS place name |
Incorporated | [bool] Incorporated Indicates if the matching jurisdiction is within the city limits of a town
InputAddress | [ArrayOfstring] Input Address An array of two strings containing the input address:
Latitude | [double] Latitude Latitude of the matching jurisdiction |
Longitude | [double] Longitude Longitude of the matching jurisdiction |
NetworkID | [string] Network ID Indicates from which street database the matching jurisdiction is returned
PCode | [int] PCode Avalara PCode of the matching jurisdiction, correlating to the set of taxes that are applicable to the location |
PostalCode | [string] Zip Code 5-digit Zip code of the matching address |
PostalCodeExtension | [string] Zip Code Extension 4-digit Zip code extension of the matching address |
PrimaryJurisdictionName | [string] Primary Jurisdiction Name Tax Jurisdiction name of the county or city of the location (underlying tax jurisdiction for special tax jurisdictions) This field is for informational purposes only |
PrimaryJurisdictionPCode | [int] Primary Jurisdiction PCode PCode of the county or city of the location (underlying tax jurisdiction for special tax jurisdictions) </br/> This field is for informational purposes only. Use PCode field when calculating taxes in the AFC Engine |
Score | [double] Score Indicates the confidence of the address match with a value between 0.0 and 1.0 |
SecondaryUnit | [string] Secondary Unit Unit number of the matching address |
SpecialTaxDistrictName | [string] Special Tax Jurisdiction Name Special tax jurisdiction name if the address is within a special tax jurisdiction. Otherwise, blank (not a special tax jurisdiction) |
SpecialTaxDistrictPCode | [int] Special Tax Jurisdiction PCode Avalara PCode of the special tax jurisdiction if the address is within a special tax jurisdiction. Otherwise, returns -1 (not a special tax jurisdiction) |
StandardizedAddress | [ArrayOfstring] Standardized Address Address matched by AFC Geo SaaS Pro Soap in an array of two strings:
StateName | [string] State 2-character state abbreviation of the matching address |
StreetName | [string] Street Name Street name of the matching address |
StreetNumber | [string] Street Number Street number of the matching address |
TaxJurisdictionName | [string] Tax Jurisdiction Name Taxing jurisdiction name identified by the PCode (PCode ) |
TimeZone | [string] Time Zone Field is blank |
UnderlyingFipsCode | [long] Underlying FIPS Code Federal FIPS code of the location (underlying tax jurisdiction FIPS code for special tax jurisdictions) This field is for informational purposes only. Use FIPSCode field when calculating taxes in the AFC Engine |
<Alternate>0</Alternate><CassAddress> // CASS Address</CassAddress><CensusBlockGroup>1001</CensusBlockGroup><CensusTract>2300</CensusTract><CityName>DURHAM</CityName><Country>USA</Country><County>DURHAM</County><ErrorMessage/><FeatureID>2403521</FeatureID><FipsCode>3706319000</FipsCode><FipsPlaceName>DURHAM</FipsPlaceName><Incorporated>true</Incorporated><InputAddress xmlns:b=""> <string>512 S MANGUM STREET</string> <string>Durham,NC 27701</string></InputAddress><Latitude>35.991130741436415</Latitude><Longitude>-78.902673074501081</Longitude><NetworkID>nt</NetworkID><PCode>2757800</PCode><PostalCode>27701</PostalCode><PostalCodeExtension>3973</PostalCodeExtension><PrimaryJurisdictionName>DURHAM</PrimaryJurisdictionName><PrimaryJurisdictionPCode>2757800</PrimaryJurisdictionPCode><Score>1</Score><SecondaryUnit/><SpecialTaxDistrictName i:nil="true"/><SpecialTaxDistrictPCode>-1</SpecialTaxDistrictPCode><StandardizedAddress xmlns:b=""> <string>512 S MANGUM ST</string> <string>DURHAM,NC 27701-3973</string></StandardizedAddress><StateName>NC</StateName><StreetName>S MANGUM ST</StreetName><StreetNumber>512</StreetNumber><TaxJurisdictionName>DURHAM</TaxJurisdictionName><TimeZone/><UnderlyingFipsCode>3706319000</UnderlyingFipsCode>