The InputAddress
object contains the address information to geocode:
Key | Value |
CassCertify | [bool] Cass Certify Indicates if CASS validation should be performed
City | [string] City City name Use in conjunction with State and Zip to replace CityStateZip |
CityStateZip | [string] City, State, and Zip City, state, and Zip code in a single line Use in place of individual City , State , and Zip fields |
MinimumScore | [double] Minimum Score
Offset | [double] Offset
Options | [int] Options Bit mask of additional options to use when matching addresses |
SecondaryUnit | [string] Secondary Unit A part of the street address - an apartment, suite, or other unit type in USPS Publication 28 |
Source | [string] Source Leave blank - Internal use only |
State | [string] State 2-character state abbreviation Use in conjunction with City and Zip to replace CityStateZip |
StreetAddress | [string] Street Address Contains the street number, street name, and optional unit number. Typically starts with a numeric street number |
Zip | [string] Zip Code Zip code Use in conjunction with City and State to replace CityStateZip |
<inputAddress> <CassCertify>false</CassCertify> <City/> <CityStateZip>Seattle,WA 98104</CityStateZip> <MinimumScore>0.7</MinimumScore> <Offset>3</Offset> <Options>0</Options> <SecondaryUnit/> <Source/> <State/> <StreetAddress>255 South King St</StreetAddress> <Zip/></inputAddress>
<inputAddress> <CassCertify>false</CassCertify> <City>Seattle</City> <CityStateZip/> <MinimumScore>0.7</MinimumScore> <Offset>3</Offset> <Options>0</Options> <SecondaryUnit/> <Source/> <State>WA</State> <StreetAddress>255 South King St</StreetAddress> <Zip>98104</Zip></inputAddress>