Chapter 4.2.1 - Bundle

What is a Bundle ?

Product offerings by Telecommunication companies include grouping of services into a special price for competitive and/or other strategic reasons. The grouping of services is called “bundling.”

Communications REST v2 handles these bundled products through the creation of a Bundle. Instead of creating a transaction with multiple line items, use a Bundle with one line item to easily apply a set group (bundle) of products. Taxes calculated for bundled transactions are calculated for each transaction/service defined within the bundle. Brackets and other logic is applied to the transaction as whole rather than individual line items.
The Bundle is made up of:

  • Assigned Bundle Transaction and Service IDs to be used in a REST v2 transaction
    • Sequential IDs (for example, 20000/20001 for the first bundle and 20000/20002 for the second bundle)
    • Transaction ID and Service ID cannot be changed
  • Transaction/Service pairs
  • Percentage of the sale amount to apply to the particular Transaction/Service pair

There are no limits to the number of Transaction/Service pairs that can be included in a Bundle. Multiple bundles - up to 200 - can also be created in the same Bundle (each with their own unique Bundle ID). The percentages must total to 100%.

Creating the Bundle

Bundles can be created in the Communications Customer Portal. For instructions on how to create Bundles, click here.

Using the Bundle

The Bundle is applied to a client profile. You must pass the associated client_profile_id as part of the header to use the Bundle.

Create a transaction using the Bundle Transaction ID and Bundle Service ID (tran is 20000 and serv is 20001 for this example) and specify the sale amount (chg).

"cmpn": {
"bscl": 0,
"svcl": 0,
"fclt": false,
"frch": false,
"reg": false
"inv": [
"bill": {
"cnty": "Johnson",
"ctry": "USA",
"int": true,
"geo": false,
"city": "Overland Park",
"st": "KS",
"zip": "66212"
"cust": 0,
"lfln": false,
"date": "2018-12-01T12:00:00Z",
"itms": [
"ref": "Line Item 001 - Bundle",
"chg": 100,
"sale": 1,
"tran": 20000,
"serv": 20001
"invm": true,
"dtl": false,
"summ": true

Note about Bundle Results

Bundled tax calculations return summarized detailed results (txs) when more than one bundle item returns the same tax type.

Editing the Bundle

Bundles can be edited in the Communications Customer Portal. For instructions on how to edit Bundles,click here.