Chapter 3.4 - Special Tax Jurisdictions

Special Tax Jurisdiction information is returned along with the primary jurisdiction results if the Options (Options) bitwise value includes 16.

Special Tax Jurisdiction Example 1 - Address

This request includes the Return Special Tax Jurisdictions Options (Options) bitwise value of 16, indicating that we want to get Special Tax Jurisdictions back. The input for this request is an address, and we are using the GeocodeAddress GeocodeAddress method. The same information can be passed to the GeocodeAllMatches method with the same results.

<s:Envelope xmlns:s="" xmlns:tem="">
<o:Security s:mustUnderstand="1" xmlns:o="">
<GeocodeAddress xmlns="">
<inputAddress xmlns:a="" xmlns:i="">
<a:City>New York</a:City>
<a:StreetAddress>1260 6th Ave</a:StreetAddress>


Special Tax Jurisdiction information is returned:

  • SpecialTaxDistrictName is the Special Tax Jurisdiction Name
  • SpecialTaxDistrictPCode contains the PCode for the Special Tax Jurisdiction
  • PCode returns the PCode that should be used for taxation - in this case, the Special Tax Jurisdiction PCode

The underlying primary jurisdiction is also returned:

  • PrimaryJurisdictionName is the name of the underlying primary jurisdiction that is returned if Special Tax Jurisdictions are not turned on
  • PrimaryJurisdictionPCode provides the PCode for the underlying primary jurisdiction
View the Response XML
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="" xmlns:u="">
<o:Security s:mustUnderstand="1" xmlns:o="">
<u:Timestamp u:Id="_0">
<GeocodeAddressResponse xmlns="">
<GeocodeAddressResult xmlns:a="" xmlns:i="">
<a:CassAddress i:nil="true"/>
<a:CityName>NEW YORK CITY</a:CityName>
<a:County>NEW YORK</a:County>
<a:InputAddress xmlns:b="">
<b:string>1260 6TH AVE</b:string>
<b:string>NEW YORK, NY 10020</b:string>
<a:PrimaryJurisdictionName>NEW YORK</a:PrimaryJurisdictionName>
<a:SpecialTaxDistrictName>NEW YORK SOUTH MANHATTAN</a:SpecialTaxDistrictName>
<a:StandardizedAddress xmlns:b="">
<b:string>1260 6TH AVE</b:string>
<b:string>NEW YORK CITY,NY 10020</b:string>
<a:StreetName>6TH AVE</a:StreetName>
<a:TaxJurisdictionName>NEW YORK SOUTH MANHATTAN</a:TaxJurisdictionName>

Special Tax Jurisdictions Example 2 - Latitude/Longitude

This request is the same request as Example 1, but using the latitude and longitude of the location instead of an address. The GeocodeLatLong method does not use the Options (Options) bitwise field, but Special Tax Jurisdictions are returned if one exists for the location provided.

<s:Envelope xmlns:s="" xmlns:tem="">
<o:Security s:mustUnderstand="1" xmlns:o="">


The geocoding result contains the same Special Tax Jurisdiction, PCode, and Primary Jurisdiction information as the address input.

View the Response XML
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="" xmlns:u="">
<o:Security s:mustUnderstand="1" xmlns:o="">
<u:Timestamp u:Id="_0">
<GeocodeLatLongResponse xmlns="">
<GeocodeLatLongResult xmlns:a="" xmlns:i="">
<a:CassAddress i:nil="true"/>
<a:CityName>NEW YORK CITY</a:CityName>
<a:County>NEW YORK</a:County>
<a:InputAddress xmlns:b="">
<a:PrimaryJurisdictionName>NEW YORK</a:PrimaryJurisdictionName>
<a:SpecialTaxDistrictName>NEW YORK SOUTH MANHATTAN</a:SpecialTaxDistrictName>
<a:StandardizedAddress xmlns:b="">
<b:string>NEW YORK CITY,NY null</b:string>
<a:TaxJurisdictionName>NEW YORK SOUTH MANHATTAN</a:TaxJurisdictionName>

Special Tax Jurisdiction Example 3 - Turn Off Return of Special Tax Jurisdiction

This is the same address as Example 1, but this time the Options (Options) bitwise value does not include 16 (Return Special Tax Jurisdictions), turning off the return of the Special Tax Jurisdiction information. This example uses the GeocodeAllMatches method.

<s:Envelope xmlns:s="" xmlns:tem="">
<o:Security s:mustUnderstand="1" xmlns:o="">
<tem:inputAddress xmlns:a="" xmlns:i="">
<a:City>New York</a:City>
<a:StreetAddress>1260 6th Ave</a:StreetAddress>


The Special Tax Jurisdiction fields (SpecialTaxDistrictName and SpecialTaxDistrictPCode) are included in GeocodeAllMatchesResponse, but are set as:

  • SpecialTaxDistrictName set to nil
  • SpecialTaxDistrictPCode is -1, indicating that no Special Tax Jurisdiction has been returned

The underlying primary jurisdiction is still returned, but is now the jurisdiction that should be used:

  • PCode returns the PCode that should be used for taxation - this matches PrimaryJurisdictionPCode
  • PrimaryJurisdictionName is the name of the underlying primary jurisdiction that is returned if Special Tax Jurisdictions are not turned on
  • PrimaryJurisdictionPCode provides the PCode for the underlying primary jurisdiction
View the Response XML
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="" xmlns:u="">
<o:Security s:mustUnderstand="1" xmlns:o="">
<u:Timestamp u:Id="_0">
<GeocodeAllMatchesResponse xmlns="">
<GeocodeAllMatchesResult xmlns:a="" xmlns:i="">
<a:CassAddress i:nil="true"/>
<a:CityName>NEW YORK CITY</a:CityName>
<a:County>NEW YORK</a:County>
<a:InputAddress xmlns:b="">
<b:string>1260 6TH AVE</b:string>
<b:string>NEW YORK, NY 10020</b:string>
<a:PrimaryJurisdictionName>NEW YORK</a:PrimaryJurisdictionName>
<a:SpecialTaxDistrictName i:nil="true"/>
<a:StandardizedAddress xmlns:b="">
<b:string>1260 6TH AVE</b:string>
<b:string>NEW YORK CITY,NY 10020</b:string>
<a:StreetName>6TH AVE</a:StreetName>
<a:TaxJurisdictionName>NEW YORK</a:TaxJurisdictionName>
<a:CassAddress i:nil="true"/>
<a:CityName>NEW YORK</a:CityName>
<a:County>New York</a:County>
<a:FipsPlaceName>New York</a:FipsPlaceName>
<a:InputAddress xmlns:b="">
<b:string>1260 6TH AVE</b:string>
<b:string>NEW YORK, NY 10020</b:string>
<a:PrimaryJurisdictionName>NEW YORK</a:PrimaryJurisdictionName>
<a:SpecialTaxDistrictName i:nil="true"/>
<a:StandardizedAddress xmlns:b="">
<b:string>1260 6th Ave</b:string>
<b:string>NEW YORK,NY 10020-1797</b:string>
<a:StreetName>6th Ave</a:StreetName>
<a:TaxJurisdictionName>NEW YORK</a:TaxJurisdictionName>

See Also

