The PCodeLookupRequest
object contains the location data used as input for searching jurisdiction matches:
Key | Value |
CountryISO | [string] Country ISO 3-character country ISO code |
State | [string] State 2-character state abbreviation |
County | [string] County |
City | [string] City |
ZipCode | [string] Postal Code 5-digit Zip Code or full Postal Code for Canadian addresses |
BestMatch | [bool] Best Match Flag indicating whether to return the best matches or only exact matches
LimitResults | [int] Limit Results Maximum number of results to return. Default is 100 |
NpaNxx | [string] NPANXX Code The first 6 digits of a phone number. Use "*" on the end to get a range of values |
Fips | [string] Fips Code 10-digit USAF FIPS. Use "*" on the end to get a range of values |
{ "CountryISO": "USA", "State": "WA", "County": "King", "City": "Seattle", "ZipCode": "98104", "BestMatch": true, "LimitResults": 10, "NpaNxx": "206033", "Fips": "5303303985",}