The Override file is used to modify tax rates for a specified jurisdiction, alter the tax logic (how or when the tax is applied) for a Transaction/Service pair, and add or remove taxes from a Transaction/Service pair.
The Override file is made up of:The only way to create an Override file is through the AFC Rate and Logic Modifier (RLM) within the desktop AFC Manager application. Contact your Customer Account Manager (CAM) for more details.
Override files use a *.ovr file extension.For this example, the Override file is overriding the local (Tax Level 3) Sales Tax (Tax Type 1) in Overland Park, KS to a rate of 0.123.
The Override file is applied to a client profile. You must pass the associated client_profile_id
as part of the header to use the Override file.
. Remove any instances of the Tax Override object (ovr
) that may be included in the transaction.For example, the local Sales Tax for Overland Park, KS is overridden to 0.123 in this transaction, assuming a client profile is in use that has been updated with an Override file overriding the local Sales Tax.{ "cmpn": { "bscl": 1, "svcl": 1, "fclt": true, "frch": true, "reg": true }, "inv": [ { "bill": { "ctry": "USA", "st": "KS", "cty": "Overland Park", "zip": 66212 }, "cust": 1, "date": "2018-09-24T11:00:00", "itms": [ { "chg": 100, "line": 10, "sale": 1, "tran": 19, "serv": 6 } ] } ]}