Chapter 4.1 - Client Profiles

What is a client profile?

A client profile allows you to customize how the AFC tax engine interprets a request and returns tax results. Customizations include:

  • Bundle
  • Exclusion
  • Tax Override
  • AFC Tax Engine configuration

Why use a client profile?

Reasons to use a client profile include:

  • Profiles are cached - this speeds up response times
  • Using a client profile eliminates including the same customization, such as a tax override, in each CalcTaxes request
    1. Request a client profile containing customization file(s) and configurations be added to your client
    2. Specify the client_profile_id in the header to apply the client profile to all requests run using that header
  • Multiple profiles can be applied to your client ID. Examples uses for multiple profiles include:
    • Separate configurations for different different types of transactions
    • Separate configurations for child companies
    • Testing new configurations
  • How to apply a client profile to a session

    When authenticating to Communications REST v2, pass the client profile ID in the header using client_profile_id.

    Postman example

    Add these headers to your request:
    • Authorization using basic HTTP authenticNoteation
    • client_id
    • Content-Type: application/json
    • client_profile_id

    How to run transactions without a profile

    REST v2 uses the system default profile when a profile is not specified.
    To send a transaction without a client profile, modify the header using one of these options:
    • Do not include client_profile_id
    • Set client_profile_id to "0"


    The system default profile is "0".