Validate API

Reduce non-compliance and financial risk by automatically updating tax data and validating ID registrations with tax authorities.

Keeping customer and vendor tax data updated is essential in Brazil. Relying on outdated information can expose businesses to undesirable risks such as financial penalties, increased taxes, paying taxes that weren’t due, and having merchandise apprehended at check points.

Validate guarantees improved quality and agility in tax compliance by automatically updating tax data to conform to tax regulations. It enables businesses to avoid making errors caused by relying on outdated information.

Tax Inquiry and Search

Adds agility to inquiry processes by integrating validations with tax authorities such as RFB, Sintegra, e-CAC, Simples, and more.

Debt-free Certificates

Searches and stores Debt-free certificates, from inquiries to Federal debts and obligations.

ERP Integrations

Automates validations directly from your ERP in real time using our API, minimizing delays and increasing compliance.

Search/Inquiry Certificate

Stores consulting certificates and inquiries as proof of status for audits and other actions.

Integrated with Excel

Improves data flow by pulling data from Excel to search and validate directly with RFB (Federal Revenue Bureau) and Sintegra.

Data Scrubbing Services

Saves time and resources by automatically validating and cleaning up tax data through the use of our consulting services.

Validate API References

From here you can navigate the various endpoints associated with Validate APIs. The URL's for our Brazil API services are: