These libraries are open source, and are released as such. If you have located a bug or have questions, please visit the Github repositories that are associated with the sample code and provide feedback there.
Latest SDK version 23.4.1

The AvaTax PHP SDK is available as a Composer package. To use the AvaTax PHP SDK from Composer:

  • Add a composer.json file to your project and link to AvaTax:
    "require": {
        "avalara/avataxclient": "*"
  • Run composer install to download the latest version.
Using the PHP SDK

The PHP SDK uses a fluent interface to define a connection to AvaTax and to make API calls to calculate tax on transactions. Here's an example of connecting to the API.

View Example
How to enable logging in PHP SDK
  • SDK uses PSR-3, a common interface used for logging capabilities in PHP.
  • Client would implement the binding on their end like Monolog, Analog etc to enable logging.
  • By default there is no logging enabled.
  • All the attributes which are part of log message are in LogObject.php
  • To enable or disable logging of request and response object, there is a boolean variable logRequestAndResponseBody passed as constructor argument. Default is set to FALSE
  • Output of logging is in JSON format.

Logging could be enabled on client side by adding logging library like Monolog. This could be done by adding dependency and version in composer.json

"require": { 
	 "monolog/monolog": "^3.2" 

By just adding the above configuration, the logging framework will recognise the binding. Now, we will have to provide logging object as contructor parameter to AvaTaxClient. This could be done as below:

// Include the packages/classes we would need to create the logger object 

use Monolog\Logger;
use Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler; 
use Monolog\Formatter\JsonFormatter; 
use Monolog\Processor\PsrLogMessageProcessor; 

The following example shows how we can add configuration to display logs at console (stdout):

$stream_handler = new StreamHandler("php://stdout"); 

$stream_handler->setFormatter(new JsonFormatter()); 

// Follow PSR-3 specification. 
$psrProcessor = new PsrLogMessageProcessor();

$logger = new Logger('appLogger', [$stream_handler], [$psrProcessor]); 

// Create a new client 
$client = new Avalara\AvaTaxClient('phpTestApp', '1.0', 'localhost', 'sandbox',[], $logger, true); 

This should add logging to SDK and the logs would be displayed on console. If we want to use other configurations where we want logs to be stored in files etc then the handler(StreamHandler in above case) would require changes accordingly.