Avalara NEXT 2021

Keynote Sessions
Introduction to the Conference and Opening Keynote
Keynote: Innovating and Scaling with Avalara's Global Compliance Platform
Dev Sessions
(N1) Getting Started: Build a Sales Tax Integration Using Avalara APIs and SDKs
(N2) Adding Exemption Management Capabilities to Your Integration
(N3) International: Adding VAT Compliance to Your Integration
(N4) Supporting Cross-Border Merchants with Customs, Duty, and Import Tax Management
(N5) Special Focus: Enabling an E-invoicing Solution in Your Integration
(N6) Technical Focus: Designing for Security and Resiliency
(N7) Developer Portal: Developers’ Source for All API Documentation, Guides, and Tools
(N8) Certifying Your Integration
Partner Sessions
(N9A) Integrating Avalara Tax Calculation in Wix Stores
(N9B) Migrating from SOAP to REST With Avalara's API
(N9C) Managing Hotel Tax Compliance With Avalara's API
If you have questions or comments, or if you just want to keep up with platform updates, we provide multiple ways for you to engage with us or other developers building with Avalara.