Chapter 5.5.1 - Set Tax Calculation Setting Request

Set Tax Calculation Setting Request

The SetTaxCalculationSettingRequest object allows the user to specify customization settings for a client profile:

Key Value
ProfileConfigId [int] Profile Configuration Id
Profile configuration id to be used when updating an existing profile. Use null for a new configuration
LinkProfileIds [List<int>] Link Profile Ids
Profile Id(s) to be added to the configuration. Use null to not change profiles associated with the configuration settings
UnlinkProfileIds [List<int>] Unlink Profile Ids
Profile Id(s) to be removed from the configuration. Use null to not change profiles associated with the configuration settings
ClientId [int] Client Id
Client Id associated with the configuration. Default Client Id for the current user is used if set to null
Deactivate [bool] Deactivate
Indicates if the configuration should be deactivated. Automatically removes any profile mappings associated with the configuration
  • true: Deactivate the configuration. Requires a valid ProfileConfigId to be provided
  • false: Configuration isn't deactivated
Description [string] Description
Description to be applied to requested configuration
ReplaceExistingLinks [bool] Replace Existing Links
Indicates if the existing configuration links to the profile should be replaced. Only applies when one or more profiles have been specified to be linked.
  • true: Replace existing links. Mapping conflicts are resolved by removing other links
  • false: Don't replace existing links. Mapping conflicts cause the request to fail with an error returned
Settings [Configuration] Tax Configuration Settings
Settings associated with a client profile configuration. May be associated with 0 to many profiles.
Exclusions [ExclusionConfig] Exclusions
List of exclusions
Bundles [BundleConfig] Bundles
List of bundles
Nexus [NexusConfig] Nexus
List of nexus
Overrides [List<string>] Overrides
List of lines contained in the override file


SetConfig Add Request Example

"LinkProfileIds": [
1, 2, 3
"ClientId": 999,
"Deactivate": false,
"Description": "Sample Add Config Description",
"ReplaceExistingLinks": true,
"Settings": {
// Configuration

SetOverrides Update Request Example

"ProfileConfigId": 1,
"LinkProfileIds": [
1, 2, 3
"UnlinkProfileIds": [
4, 5, 6
"ClientId": 999,
"Deactivate": false,
"Description": "Sample Update Override Description",
"ReplaceExistingLinks": true,
"Overrides": [