The Location
object contains information about a jurisdiction:
Key | Value |
cnty | [string] County
ctry | [string] Country Name or ISO code
int | [bool] Incorporated Indicates if the location is within city limits and used to specify whether the customer involved in this transaction is inside or outside of the Local level designated as their location. The tax may or may not be affected by this flag, depending on whether the local level has taxes which apply to the transaction/service type pair
geo | [bool] Geocode Indicates if this address should be geocoded in order to obtain taxing jurisdiction
pcd | [int] PCode Proprietary code returned from AFC Geo. PCodes provide the most accurate jurisdiction determination for calculating taxes with the AFC tax engine |
npa | [int] NPANXX The first 6 digits of a phone number |
fips | [string] FIPS code 10-digit USAF FIPS for taxing jurisdiction
addr | [string] Street Address
city | [string] City
st | [string] State State name or abbreviation
zip | [string] Postal Code Postal code in the format of 12345-6789 or A0A 1B1
"bill": { "ctry": "USA", "addr": "11 West 53 Street", "city": "Manhattan", "st": "NY", "zip": "10019"}
Geocoding doesn’t support PO Box address
"bill": { "ctry": "USA", "geo": true, "addr": "11 West 53 Street", "city": "Manhattan", "st": "NY", "zip": "10019"}
"to": { "fips": "9902604301"}
"to": { "npa": 212200}
"from": { "pcd": 2604301}