Chapter 5.5.3 - Traffic Study Override

Traffic Study Override

The TrafficStudyOverride object allows the user to specify traffic study overrides:

Key Value
TrafficStudyType [int] Traffic Study Type
Defines to which transaction type the traffic study override applies. For more information about traffic study overrides, see Safe Harbor Override
  • 1: Cellular
  • 2: VoIP
  • 4: Paging
SafeHarborFedPcnt [double] Safe Harbor Federal Percent
Safe Harbor percent to be overwritten. For more information about traffic study overrides, see Safe Harbor Override
TrafficStudyFedPcnt [double] Traffic Study Federal Percent
Client-provided Federal traffic study percent to be used instead of the Safe Harbor percent. For more information about traffic study overrides, see Safe Harbor Override


"TrafficStudyOverrides": [
"TrafficStudyType": 2,
"TrafficStudyFedPcnt": 0.250