The Exclusion is a comma-delimited file used by Communications REST v2 to determine what states or countries should be excluded from consideration for taxation.
The Exclusion is made up of a list of countries or country and state pairs.
Exclusions can be created in the Communications Customer Portal. For instructions on how to create Exclusions, click here.
The Exclusion is applied to a client profile. You must pass the associated client_profile_id
as part of the header to use the Exclusion.
. Remove any instances of the Exclusion object (excl
) that may be included in the transaction.For example, the Kansas taxes are excluded in this transaction, assuming a client profile is in use that has been updated with an Exclusion excluding USA,KS.{ "cmpn": { "bscl": 1, "svcl": 1, "fclt": true, "frch": true, "reg": true }, "inv": [ { "bill": { "ctry": "USA", "st": "KS", "cty": "Overland Park", "zip": 66212 }, "cust": 1, "date": "2018-09-24T11:00:00", "itms": [ { "chg": 100, "line": 10, "sale": 1, "tran": 19, "serv": 6 } ] } ]}