Name | Type | Description | Comments |
Authenticate to AvaTax & Select Company | Required | Should provide Account ID and License Key input fields. Once those are input should do a GET companies request and surface existing companies within account, allowing using to select the company they want to interface with. Should also provide toggle between sandbox and production environments. Demonstrate results in source system based upon different input parameters required for a basic transaction. | |
Extract required data from platform for specified date range | Required | Should provide an interface for user to choose date range of transactions to extract. Transactions within the selected range should then be extracted along with all required details. | |
Transform Data into Batch Import format | Required | Extracted transactional data should be transformed into CSV form and conform to the AvaTax Transaction Import format. Must use Process Code 2. | |
Transmit file via BatchSVC API | Required | Should send the extracted data to the account after it has been formatted via a Batch SVC request. | |
Display post transmission page with deep link to AvaTax import status | Suggested | Suggested to display a post transmission page linking to the customer's account and company page for reviewing imports in our UI.