	"code": "UpdateLocationRemittanceCheckExistingEndDateError",
	"target": "Unknown",
	"details": [
			"code": "UpdateLocationRemittanceCheckExistingEndDateError",
			"number": 1721,
			"message": "New Effective Date is greater than existing End Date. In other words a gap is present between the existing location's date range and the new date range. Please adjust the new date range or create a new location instead.",
			"description": "Existing End Date: -0-; New Effective Date: -1-",
			"faultCode": "Client",
			"helpLink": "http://developer.avalara.com/avatax/errors/UpdateLocationRemittanceCheckExistingEndDateError",
			"severity": "Error"

This indicates that the New Effective Date is greater than the existing End Date. In other words, a gap is present between the existing location’s date range and the new date range. Please adjust the new date range or create a new location instead.