	"code": "TimeoutRequested",
	"target": "Unknown",
	"details": [
			"code": "TimeoutRequested",
			"number": 316,
			"message": "You requested a timeout error for this API call.",
			"description": "You passed the parameter '$include=-0-' to this API.  The 'ForceTimeout' include option simulates a timeout error to make tests easier.  To stop receiving this error code, remove the word 'ForceTimeout'.",
			"faultCode": "Client",
			"helpLink": "http://developer.avalara.com/avatax/errors/TimeoutRequested",
			"severity": "Error"

The ForceTimeout parameter is available to developers. It allows them to simulate a timeout so that their software can evaluate how best to respond in the case of a connection interruption.

You are receiving this error because you specifically requested a timeout error. To stop receiving this error, please remove the word ForceTimeout from your API call.