"code": "RuleTypeRestricted",
"target": "Unknown",
"details": [
"code": "RuleTypeRestricted",
"number": 83,
"message": "The tax rule type -0- is restricted",
"description": "The rule type '-0-' is restricted and can be used by Avalara content team only. Please consider using a different tax rule type.",
"faultCode": "Client",
"helpLink": "http://developer.avalara.com/avatax/errors/RuleTypeRestricted",
"severity": "Error"
This indicates that you attempted to use a restricted tax rule type. Tax rules represent a change to the behavior of the AvaTax engine for specific products in specifc jurisdictions. If you have received a custom tax ruling from an auditor that changes the taxability of your goods or services, create a TaxRule to override how AvaTax will calculate tax for you.
Only Avalara Content Team members can create tax rules of this type. Please select a different tax type for your tax rule. The full list of tax types can be viewed in the Avalara Developer documentation.