	"code": "NotEnoughAddressesInfo",
	"target": "Unknown",
	"details": [
			"code": "NotEnoughAddressesInfo",
			"number": 176,
			"message": "Transactions are missing -0- addresses. Only -1- addresses are provided",
			"description": "-2- must have both an origin and destination address.  The origin addresses are either 'ShipFrom' or 'PointOfOrderAcceptance'. The destination addresses are either 'ShipTo' or 'PointOfOrderOrigin'.",
			"faultCode": "Client",
			"helpLink": "",
			"severity": "Error"

This indicates that you provided multiple addresses for the transaction, but all the addresses you provided are either Origin-type addresses or Destination-type addresses. In this scenario, AvaTax knows that you are processing a multiple address transaction, but it cannot reliably determine the origin and destination address required by your tax authority.

Please ensure that you always provide a ShipTo and ShipFrom address when using Order Origin or Order Acceptance transaction types.