	"code": "MissingAddress",
	"target": "Unknown",
	"details": [
			"code": "MissingAddress",
			"number": 304,
			"message": "Transactions must have both an origin and destination address.",
			"description": "The line -0- must have both an origin and destination address.  You must either assign a 'SingleLocation' address or both a 'ShipFrom' and a 'ShipTo' address.",
			"faultCode": "Client",
			"helpLink": "http://developer.avalara.com/avatax/errors/MissingAddress",
			"severity": "Error"

To provide origin and destination addresses for a transaction, you must provide one of the following:

  • Both a ShipFrom and a ShipTo address; or
  • A SingleLocation address.

This error indicates that your API call did not include one or the other of those options.