	"code": "InvalidTaxTypeMapping",
	"target": "Unknown",
		"details": [
			"code": "InvalidTaxTypeMapping",
			"number": 64,
			"message": "An invalid tax type mapping was provided.",
			"description": "The combination of tax type group '-0-', tax type '-1-', tax sub type '-2-', rate type '-3-', and country '-4-' is invalid.",
			"faultCode": "Client",
			"helpLink": "",
			"severity": "Error"

This indicates that the tax type mapping you provided is not valid. Mapping to the correct tax type is important for calculating accurate taxes for your situation. If you are new to mapping tax types, take a look at this overview of tax types from Avalara’s help center. If you want more information on choosing the correct tax type for your situation, use our tax type table.