"code": "InvalidLocalNexusTypeId",
"target": "Unknown",
"details": [
"code": "InvalidLocalNexusTypeId",
"number": 1504,
"message": "LocalNexusTypeId of 'All' cannot be used.",
"description": "LocalNexusTypeId of 'All' cannot be used for custom nexus when system nexus has HasLocalNexusId set to 'false'. This causes a problem when a state administered state adds local nexus jurisdictions in the future, in which case tax is calculated without the user making a selection for the local jurisdiction.",
"faultCode": "Client",
"helpLink": "http://developer.avalara.com/avatax/errors/InvalidLocalNexusTypeId",
"severity": "Error"
A LocalNexusTypeId of ‘All’ cannot be used for a custom nexus when the system nexus has HasLocalNexusId set to ‘false’. This causes a problem when a state-administered state adds local nexus jurisdictions in the future, in which case tax is calculated without the user making a selection for the local jurisdiction.