"code": "DateFormatError",
"target": "Unknown",
"details": [
"code": "DateFormatError",
"number": 26,
"message": "Dates are only recognized in ISO 8601 format.",
"description": "The field '-0-' was not recognized as a valid date value. Valid dates are in the ISO 8601 format.",
"faultCode": "Client",
"helpLink": "http://developer.avalara.com/avatax/errors/DateFormatError",
"severity": "Error"
Th is indicates that the date value you provided was incorrectly formatted. AvaTax only supports date values in ISO 8601 format. The ISO 8601 format has two variants; one is for date-only and one is for date-plus-time.
A standard ISO 8601 date-only value is in Year-Month-Day format, for example, 2017-03-01. It must always have a four digit year, a two digit month, and a two digit day, each separated by hyphens.
An ISO date-plus-time value is in Year-Month-Day followed by Hour:Minute:Second, for example, 2017-03-31T23:04:16.