"code": "CannotDeleteParentBeforeChildNexus",
"target": "Unknown",
"details": [
"code": "CannotDeleteParentBeforeChildNexus",
"number": 1500,
"message": "The nexus can't be deleted because child nexus exists.",
"description": "You cannot delete or end-date your nexus for -0- because you currently have declared nexus in -1- -2- jurisdictions in -0-. Please delete or end-date those nexus first before changing the -0- nexus.",
"faultCode": "Client",
"helpLink": "http://developer.avalara.com/avatax/errors/CannotDeleteParentBeforeChildNexus",
"severity": "Error"
The nexus cannot be deleted due to child nexus tied to it. Nexus must be deleted from the child(s) up to the parent if there are child(s) nexus.