Also see SOAP Error Codes for error messages defined in the SOAP v1 API.
Number | Message | Summary |
1 | ServerConfiguration | Indicates that there is a server configuration problem with one of the servers in Avalara's AvaTax cluster. |
2 | AccountInvalidException | You attempted to read information about an account that does not exist. |
3 | CompanyInvalidException | You attempted to modify a company that does not exist. |
4 | EntityNotFoundError | You attempted to act on, retrieve, update, or delete an object that does not exist. |
5 | ValueRequiredError | You submitted a request and did not provide a value in a required field. |
6 | RangeError | You attempted to set a value that must be within a range, but your value was outside of the range. |
7 | RangeCompareError | You specified an out-of-bounds field value. |
8 | RangeSetError | You attempted to set a value that was not permitted. |
9 | TaxpayerNumberRequired | Customers subscribing to Avalara Returns must identify each company by its United States Taxpayer ID Number (TIN). |
10 | EntityLimitExceeded | The number of entities in the request exceeded the limit. |
11 | CommonPassword | The password you have chosen is a commonly-guessed password and cannot be used. |
12 | WeakPassword | The password you specified does not meet minimum complexity requirements. |
13 | StringLengthError | One of the strings you uploaded to the server is too long and cannot be saved. |
14 | MaxStringLengthError | The string you provided was too long for the field. |
15 | EmailValidationError | You attempted to provide an email address that does not conform to email address standards. |
16 | EmailMissingError | You must provide an email address with this request. |
17 | InvalidQueryField | A field in the query was not found. |
18 | InvalidQueryValue | The value provided for a query field is invalid. |
19 | SyntaxError | The filter parameter has a syntax error. |
20 | TooManyParametersError | The filter parameter has too many values. |
21 | UnterminatedValueError | A filter value was not properly terminated. |
22 | DeleteUserSelfError | A user account may not call DELETE on the user itself. |
23 | OldPasswordInvalid | You attempted to reset a password but you did not provide a correct old password value. |
24 | CannotChangePassword | You attempted to change passwords for a user who is not permitted to change their password. |
25 | ReadOnly | The field is read-only. |
26 | DateFormatError | The date value you provided was incorrectly formatted. |
27 | NoDefaultCompany | Your account does not currently have a default company. |
28 | AccountTypeNotSupported | This account type cannot perform this operation. |
30 | AuthenticationException | The credentials you provided to AvaTax could not be validated. |
31 | AuthorizationException | Your account is not authorized to call this API. |
32 | ValidationException | Your API call contained an incorrectly structured object. |
33 | InactiveUserError | This user account is currently inactive. |
34 | AuthenticationIncomplete | Your API call did not contain authentication information. |
35 | BasicAuthIncorrect | Your Basic authorization header was not encoded correctly. |
36 | IdentityServerError | A problem was detected with Avalara Identity. |
37 | BearerTokenInvalid | The Bearer Token that you used for authentication was not valid. |
38 | ModelRequiredException | You called an API that requires an object, but you did not provide an object. |
39 | AccountExpiredException | Your AvaTax account has expired, or is not yet enabled. You may need to contact your customer account manager for assistance. |
41 | BearerTokenNotSupported | Bearer Token authentication is not yet supported with this API. |
42 | InvalidSecurityRole | You do not have permission to create or update users with this security role. |
43 | InvalidRegistrarAction | The action you attempted is restricted. |
44 | RemoteServerError | A remote server AvaTax depends on is not working. |
45 | NoFilterCriteriaException | You provided a filter with your query, but did not specify any criteria. |
46 | OpenClauseException | Your $filter value has a mismatched open parenthesis / close parenthesis. |
47 | JsonFormatError | The JSON you sent with your request was invalid. |
48 | InvalidDecimalValue | A field in your request has too many decimal places or too many digits over all. |
49 | PermissionRequired | User doesn't have permission for action. |
50 | UnhandledException | The API you attempted to call resulted in an unhandled exception within Avalara AvaTax. |
51 | InactiveAccount | The account is currently inactive. |
52 | LinkageNotAllowed | The client account cannot be linked to the firm. |
53 | LinkageStatusUpdateNotSupported | The status cannot be updated. |
60 | ReportingCompanyMustHaveContactsError | A company that is designated to report taxes must have at least one designated contact person. |
61 | CompanyProfileNotSet | This error occurs when you try to modify the tax profile of a company that inherits its tax profile from its parent. |
62 | CannotAssignUserToCompany | Only Company-level users may be assigned to a company. |
63 | MustAssignUserToCompany | Company level users must be assigned to a company within this account. |
64 | InvalidTaxTypeMapping | The tax type mapping provided is not valid. |
70 | ModelStateInvalid | You provided an incorrectly structured object to AvaTax. |
80 | DateRangeError | This error occurs when you create an object whose end date is before its effective date. |
81 | InvalidDateRangeError | You specified a date outside of the allowable range. |
82 | RuleMustHaveTaxCode | A tax rule with type ProductTaxabilityRule cannot have a null tax code or be assigned to all tax codes. |
83 | RuleTypeRestricted | You attempted to use a restricted tax rule type. |
85 | InvalidCompanyLocationSetting | You used a company location that does not exist. |
99 | InvalidAdjustmentType | The adjustment type record permits only a specified list of values. |
100 | DeleteInformation | This message represents information provided about an object that was deleted. |
118 | OutOfRange | You attempted to set a value that must be within a range, but your value was outside of the range. |
119 | UnspecifiedTimeZone | You specified a date/time value without a timezone. |
120 | CannotCreateDeletedObjects | You may not create an object with a "Deleted" flag. |
121 | CannotModifyDeletedObjects | If an object has been deleted, you may not modify it further after its deletion. |
122 | ReturnNameNotFound | You attempted to create a filing calendar for a return that is not recognized by AvaTax. |
123 | InvalidAddressTypeAndCategory | When creating a location, you must specify a compatible AddressType and AddressCategory value. |
124 | DefaultCompanyLocation | The default location for a company must be a physical-type location rather than a salesperson-type location. |
125 | InvalidCountry | The country code you provided is not recognized as a valid ISO 3166 country code. |
126 | InvalidCountryRegion | You specified a country/region that was not recognized by the ISO 3166 country/region code system. |
127 | BrazilValidationError | Reserved for future use. |
128 | BrazilExemptValidationError | Reserved for future use. |
129 | BrazilPisCofinsError | Reserved for future use. |
130 | JurisdictionNotFoundError | The specified jurisdiction could not be found. |
131 | MedicalExciseError | You attempted to create a tax rule that designated a device as medical excise tax for an incorrect jurisdiction. |
132 | RateDependsTaxabilityError | You created a tax rule with a RateDepends option, but that rule is not a TaxabilityRule. |
134 | InvalidRateTypeCode | This rate type is not valid in the country provided. |
135 | RateTypeNotSupported | You attempted to choose a rate type that is not supported for the country you selected. |
136 | CannotUpdateNestedObjects | In AvaTax REST, you can create objects with nested children, but you cannot update objects with nested children. |
137 | UPCCodeInvalidChars | Your UPC code contains invalid characters. |
138 | UPCCodeInvalidLength | Your UPC code was too long to fit into the standard UPC object field. |
139 | IncorrectPathError | You attempted to modify an object but you provided an object that matches a different URL. |
140 | InvalidJurisdictionType | You specified a jurisdiction type that is not recognized. |
141 | MustConfirmResetLicenseKey | When resetting a license key for your account, you must provide a flag that indicates that you really want to reset your license key. |
142 | DuplicateCompanyCode | You cannot create two companies with the same company code. |
143 | TINFormatError | The U.S. Taxpayer Identification Number you provided is not in a recognized format. |
144 | DuplicateNexusError | Nexus is a concept used to declare that your business is subject to taxation by a particular jurisdiction; you may not declare any one jurisdiction more than once. |
145 | UnknownNexusError | You attempted to declare nexus in a jurisdiction that is not recognized by AvaTax. |
146 | ParentNexusNotFound | You attempted to create a nexus in a tax authority that is underneath a parent tax authority, but you have not yet declared nexus with the parent tax authority. |
147 | InvalidTaxCodeType | You specified a tax code type that is not recognized by Avalara. |
148 | CannotActivateCompany | A company can only be activated when it has a valid tax profile. |
149 | DuplicateEntityProperty | You attempted to create an object with a duplicate name or code. |
150 | ReportingEntityError | You attempted to use a Returns API on a company not designated to file returns. |
151 | InvalidReturnOperationError | You attempted to modify a tax filing return that has been approved. |
152 | CannotDeleteCompany | You attempted to delete a company with committed transactions. |
153 | CountryOverridesNotAvailable | The jurisdiction override feature is only available in the United States. |
154 | JurisdictionOverrideMismatch | An address override cannot be created for this jurisdiction. |
155 | DuplicateSystemTaxCode | You attempted to create a duplicate TaxCode object. |
157 | NexusDateMismatch | You declared nexus on a date when that nexus was not available. |
159 | NexusParentDateMismatch | You declared nexus on a date when that nexus was not available. |
160 | BearerTokenParseUserIdError | The bearer token you provided could not be parsed. |
161 | RetrieveUserError | Your bearer token does not have a provisioned AvaTax account. |
162 | InvalidConfigurationSetting | The configuration setting you specified is invalid. |
163 | InvalidConfigurationValue | The configuration value you supplied was invalid. |
164 | InvalidEnumValue | You specified an invalid value for a field. |
165 | TaxCodeAssociatedTaxRule | This tax code cannot be deleted because it is in use. |
166 | CannotSwitchAccountId | You may not change the accountId value on a company. |
167 | RequestIncomplete | Your API request contained unprintable characters or was incomplete. |
168 | AccountNotNew | Only accounts in 'New' status may be activated. |
169 | PasswordLengthInvalid | Your password did not meet length requirements. |
170 | InvalidPageKey | The page key is invalid. |
171 | InvalidEcmsOverrideCode | The EcmsOverrideCode value you supplied conflicts with a system-defined code. |
172 | AccountDoesNotExist | You attempted to modify an account that does not exist. |
173 | InvalidTaxType | You specified a tax type that does not exist. |
174 | IncorrectFieldValue | You attempted to call the Reporting API with an incorrect field value. |
175 | LeadingOrTrailingException | The value you provided in the `$filter` parameter was incorrect. |
176 | NotEnoughAddressesInfo | A tax transaction must have both an origin and a destination address. |
177 | ReportNotInitiated | This report has not yet been created. |
178 | FailedToBuildReport | The report request you submitted could not be processed. |
179 | ReportNotFinished | This report is not yet completed. |
181 | FailedToDownloadReport | A server error prevented the report file from being downloaded. |
182 | MalformedFilterException | The `$filter` parameter could not be parsed. |
183 | ExpectedConjunctionError | The `$filter` criteria in your API request was missing a conjunction. |
184 | CriteriaNotSupportedError | Your `$filter` parameter contains criteria that are not supported. |
185 | CompanyAccountAndParentAccountMismatch | This operation is not permitted in technical support. |
186 | InvalidFileContentType | The file content type could not be determined correctly. |
187 | RequestTooLarge | The request you submitted was too large to process. |
188 | EcmsDisabled | The ECMS configuration value for this account does not permit exemption certificates. |
189 | UnknownConjunctionError | You attempted to use an invalid conjunction in your filter. |
190 | NoLinesDiscounted | You attempted to specify a discount, but did not identify any lines to discount. |
191 | FailedToDelete | You attempted to delete an object that was in use. |
192 | CircularCompanyHierarchies | Creating this company as submitted would result in a circular hierarchical reference. |
193 | DuplicateEntry | The key or name already exists. |
194 | DuplicateFieldNameInOrderBy | A sort or order filter criteria for this request was repeated. |
195 | CannotAdjustDocumentType | The document type is an immutable property. |
196 | UserNoAccess | This user has a security role that blocks usage of this service. |
197 | InvalidEntry | Invalid entry. |
198 | TransactionAlreadyCancelled | The transaction has already been cancelled |
199 | QueryParameterOutOfRange | The query parameter is out of range. |
200 | BatchSalesAuditMustBeZippedError | Sales audit files must be uploaded in ZIP or RAR formats. |
201 | BatchZipMustContainOneFileError | Compressed files uploaded to the Batch service must contain exactly one file. |
202 | BatchInvalidFileTypeError | You uploaded a batch file with an incorrect file type. |
203 | BatchCannotSaveBatchFile | AvaTax cannot save the batch file. |
204 | BatchCannotGetBatchFile | Batch file could not be found. |
205 | BatchCannotDeleteBatchFile | Batch file deletion is not allowed. |
206 | BatchMustContainOneFile | This batch object must contain only one file. |
207 | MissingBatchFileContent | The batch object must contain a file to be processed. |
208 | BatchCannotBeDeletedWhileProcessing | Cannot delete batch while processing. |
209 | InternalServerError | A remote server responded with an InternalServerError. |
250 | PointOfSaleFileSize | The Point-Of-Sale API cannot build this file dynamically. |
251 | PointOfSaleSetup | Invalid parameter provided in the Point-Of-Sale file request. |
252 | InvalidInputDate | You attempted to set a date value that must be within a range, but your value was outside of the range. |
300 | GetTaxError | A problem occurred when you attempted to create a transaction through AvaTax. |
301 | AddressConflictException | You attempted to add multiple addresses to a transaction that was flagged as a single-address transaction. |
303 | DocumentCodeConflict | You attempted to create a document with a code that matches an existing transaction. |
304 | MissingAddress | When creating transactions, you must at a minimum provide an origin and destination address. |
306 | InvalidParameterValue | When adding parameters to your CreateTransactionModel, you must specify a parameter of the correct type. |
308 | FetchLimit | Too many records requested. |
309 | InvalidAddress | The address you provided was incomplete. |
310 | AddressLocationNotFound | The specified location code does not exist. |
311 | MissingLine | You attempted to create a tax transaction with no lines. |
312 | InvalidAddressTextCase | You provided an invalid parameter to the address resolution endpoint. |
313 | DocumentNotCommitted | You attempted to lock a transaction (aka Document) that was not committed. |
315 | InvalidDocumentTypesToFetch | Temporary documents cannot be fetched from the API. |
316 | TimeoutRequested | You requested a timeout error from the AvaTax API. |
317 | InvalidPostalCode | The postal code you provided could not be found. |
318 | InvalidSubscriptionDescription | Subscription description cannot be None when subscriptionTypeId is not provided |
319 | InvalidSubscriptionTypeId | Invalid subscription TypeId. |
401 | CannotChangeFilingStatus | The requested filing status change is invalid. |
402 | FEINFormatError | Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) is not in the correct format. |
500 | ServerUnreachable | One of the servers in the Avalara AvaTax API cluster is unreachable and your API call could not be completed. |
600 | SubscriptionRequired | This Avalara API call requires an active subscription to a specific service. |
601 | AccountExists | An account tied to this email address already exists. |
602 | InvitationOnly | You attempted to contact an API that is available by invitation only. |
606 | FreeTrialNotAvailable | The Free Trial API is not available on this server. |
607 | AccountExistsDifferentEmail | An account with this username already exists. |
608 | AvalaraIdentityApiError | A server configuration problem has been detected. |
609 | InvalidIPAddress | Your IP address has not been approved. |
610 | OfferCodeAlreadyApplied | The offer code has already been applied to this account. |
611 | AccountAlreadyExists | This combination of the account name and company address already exists. |
612 | LicenseKeyNameAlreadyExistsForAccount | License key name already exists for the account. |
701 | RefundTypeAndPercentageMismatch | You specified a `Full` refund, but the percentage parameter was not null. |
702 | InvalidDocumentTypeForRefund | The document you attempted to refund was not a SalesInvoice. |
703 | RefundTypeAndLineMismatch | You specified a `Full` refund, but the lines parameter was not null. |
704 | RefundLinesRequired | Your RefundTransaction API call was missing necessary information. |
705 | InvalidRefundType | You specified an invalid refund type. |
706 | RefundPercentageForTaxOnly | You attempted to create a TaxOnly refund for a partial percentage. |
707 | LineNoOutOfRange | You attempted to refund a line item that did not exist in the original transaction. |
708 | RefundPercentageOutOfRange | You submitted a refund percentage lower than 0% or higher than 100% |
709 | RefundPercentageMissing | You specified a refund type of percentage, but did not specify the percentage. |
800 | MustUseCreateTransaction | The free tax rates API applies only to transactions within the United States. |
801 | MustAcceptTermsAndConditions | You must read and accept Avalara's terms and conditions to get a FreeTrial Account |
900 | FilingCalendarCannotBeDeleted | A filing calendar cannot be deleted once in use. |
901 | InvalidEffectiveDate | The effective date for your filing request is not valid. |
902 | NonOutletForm | This form does not permit Outlet or Location-based reporting. |
903 | OverlappingFilingCalendar | This filing calendar overlaps with another calendar. |
904 | FilingCalendarCannotBeEdited | The filing calander cannot be edited. |
1100 | CannotModifyLockedTransaction | A locked transaction may not be modified. |
1101 | LineAlreadyExists | You attempted to add a line with a conflicting line number. |
1102 | LineDoesNotExist | You attempted to remove a line that did not exist. |
1103 | LinesNotSpecified | You attempted to create a transaction with zero lines. |
1104 | LineDetailsDoesNotExist | The specified line detail ID cannot be found. |
1105 | CannotCreateTransactionWithDeletedDataSource | The selected DataSource has been deleted and cannot be used for creating a transaction. |
1106 | ShipToRegionRequiredWithDataSource | ShipTo region required. |
1200 | InvalidBusinessType | The business type field on the ECMS record is invalid. |
1201 | CannotModifyExemptCert | Exemption certificates cannot be modified using the Company API. |
1203 | CertificatesError | The certificate API has returned an error. |
1204 | MissingRequiredFields | A certificate must have either a filename, a PDF file attachment, or one JPG image for each page in the certificate. |
1205 | CertificatesNotSetup | The company has not been configured with this certificate. |
1208 | ConflictingExposureZone | Exposure zones must have unique names. |
1209 | MissingFieldToCreateExposureZone | Avalara's Certificates service requires extra information to create an exposure zone. |
1210 | MissingExemptReason | A certificate must have an exemption reason. |
1211 | InvalidExemptReason | The exemption reason you specified cannot be found. |
1212 | InvalidExemptionOperation | Filtering operation is not supported |
1213 | ConflictingFields | A certificate must have be stored in only one format: filename, PDF, or images. |
1214 | InvalidPdfOrImageFile | You provided a value in the PDF or image file fields, but the value was empty. |
1215 | InvalidCoverLetterTitle | THe cover letter you specified for this CertExpress invitation was not found. |
1216 | AccountNotProvisioned | The automatic provisioning process for exemption certificates failed. |
1217 | InvalidRequestContentType | Invalid request content type in the request. |
1218 | ExemptionPaginationLimits | AvaTax exemption data does not support this type of pagination. |
1219 | ExemptionSortLimits | AvaTax exemption data does not support sorting by more than one field. |
1220 | CustomerCantBeBothShipToAndBillTo | An AvaTax customer record can be either a BillTo customer address or a ShipTo customer address, but not both. |
1221 | BillToCustomerExpected | The API call you made requires a BillTo customer as a parameter, but you used a ShipTo customer. |
1222 | ShipToCustomerExpected | The API call you made expects a ShipTo customer record, but you supplied a BillTo customer instead. |
1223 | EcmsSstCertsRequired | The `EcmsSstCertsRequired` field should be set to true. |
1300 | TransactionNotCancelled | A multi-company transaction was partially created. |
1301 | TooManyTransactions | The MultiDocument transaction you attempted to create is too complex. |
1302 | OnlyTaxDateOverrideIsAllowed | Multi-company transactions may only override tax dates. |
1303 | TransactionAlreadyExists | This transaction already exists and cannot be overwritten. |
1305 | DateMismatch | The values in your verify call did not match the transaction. |
1306 | InvalidDocumentStatusForVerify | Documents can only be verified from the `Saved` or `Posted` statuses. |
1307 | TotalAmountMismatch | The values in your verify call did not match the transaction. |
1308 | TotalTaxMismatch | The values in your verify call did not match the transaction. |
1310 | InvalidDocumentType | A document could not be found with the specified type. |
1312 | MultiDocumentPartiallyLocked | A MultiDocument was partially locked for reporting. |
1313 | TransactionIsCommitted | This API can only modify transactions that are not yet committed. |
1314 | InvalidDocumentStatus | The document status is incorrect for this operation. |
1400 | CommsConfigClientIdMissing | You attempted to call a Communications tax API, but your client ID value is missing. |
1401 | CommsConfigClientIdBadValue | The Avalara Communications Client ID value associated with your account is invalid. |
1404 | AccountInNewStatusException | You may not obtain a license key until you have accepted Avalara's terms and conditions. |
1405 | WorksheetException | An error occurred in the Liability Worksheet calculation service. |
1406 | InvalidAccountOverride | Invalid AccountOverride format. |
1407 | AccountOverrideNotAuthorized | The current role you are in does not permit account override function |
1408 | FieldNotQueryableError | A field in the query is not a queryable. |
1409 | UsernameRequired | A username is required |
1410 | InvalidAuditMessage | Please review your audit message and ensure no special characters are used. |
1411 | FieldNotOrderableError | The field you have tried to sort cannot be organized in the desired manner. |
1500 | CannotDeleteParentBeforeChildNexus | The nexus cannot be deleted due to child nexus tied to it. |
1501 | NexusChildDateMismatch | Nexus out of date range with its children. |
1502 | RemoteValidationError | The AvaTax API encountered an internal error and could not continue. |
1503 | CannotModifySstNexus | SST nexuses cannot be modified by user. |
1504 | InvalidLocalNexusTypeId | LocalNexusTypeId of 'All' cannot be used. |
1602 | AdvancedRuleRequestRuleError | Advanced rule failed to execute. |
1603 | AdvancedRuleResponseRuleError | Failed to execute the advanced rule script. |
1605 | AdvancedRuleError | An error occured when using or applying Advanced Tax Rules. |
1701 | TaxRuleRequiresNexus | Nexus is not declared in this region, therefore no tax rule can be created. |
1702 | UPCCodeNotUnique | A single UPC code can be defined only once for each company. |
1704 | TaxCodeAssociatedWithItemCodeNotFound | The tax code in the request could not be found. |
1705 | DuplicateSystemForItem | An item in this request has multiple entries for a given system code. |
1706 | CannotDismissGlobalNotification | This notification cannot be dismissed because it is a global notification. |
1713 | CannotUpdateAccountTypeId | Cannot update AccountTypeId. |
1714 | TaxpayerNumberIsRequired | TaxpayerIdNumber is required. |
1715 | RequestLimitExceeded | You have submitted too many requests. |
1716 | ConcurrentRequestLimitExceeded | The server is currently busy. |
1717 | InvalidDocumentTypeForInspect | Please specify a valid specific documentType for this API to provide accurate results. |
1718 | ServiceNotReady | Service not ready |
1719 | UpdateLocationRemittanceMismatchTypeAndCategory | Existing location must have address type Marketplace and the new address category type of either SellerRemitsTax or MarketplaceRemitsTax. |
1720 | UpdateLocationRemittanceCheckExistingEffectiveDateError | New effective date should be at least a day after the existing location's effective date. |
1721 | UpdateLocationRemittanceCheckExistingEndDateError | Invalid end date. |
1722 | ErrorCountLimitExceededError | The request has exceeded the maximum number of validation errors. |
1723 | RateLimitExceededError | The request has exceeded the maximum number of concurrent transactions. |
1800 | UnsupportedFileFormat | The requested output file format is invalid. |
1801 | UnsupportedOutputFileType | You must specify either CSV or JSON file formats. |
1900 | TaxProfileNotProvided | A tax profile was not included in your request. |
1901 | InvalidTaxProfile | The tax profile must be a valid ZIP file. |
1902 | CompanyTaxProfileEntryRequired | The import tax profile request is missing a company model and company tax profile. |
1903 | ErrorReadingTaxProfileEntry | AvaTax was unable to parse your tax profile entry. |
2000 | TraceDataNotAvailable | The trace data is not available for the date and time selected. |
2100 | InvalidParameterUnitMeasurementType | A paremeter in the request has an unexpected unit of measurement type. |
2101 | ParameterUnitRequired | A parameter in the request doesn't have a unit of measure. |
2102 | InvalidParameterValueDataType | A parameter value in the request has an invalid data type. |
2103 | InvalidParameterAttributeType | A parameter in the request doesn't match the expected attribute type. |
2104 | SubscriptionRequiredForParameter | The account's subscription level doesn't include use of the parameter in your request. |
2105 | InvalidAccountType | Account Type must be 'firm' for this action. |
2106 | InvalidFirmSubscriptions | Firm doesn't have required subscriptions for linkage. |
2200 | GenericTaxCodeForItem | Company item contains a generic taxcode. |
2201 | CannotCertifyCompany | Company cannot be certified. |
2202 | NoVoidedDocuments | Company does not have any voided documents. |
2203 | InadequateCommittedDocuments | Company must have at least two committed documents. |
2204 | DocumentCodeIsGuid | Company has a document code which is a GUID. |
2205 | CustomerVendorCodeIsGuid | Company's customer vendor code is a GUID. |
2206 | InadequateDocumentLineCount | Company has inadequate document line count. |
2207 | SameDocumentDescription | All documents have same description. |
2208 | NoExemptionNoOrCustomerUsageType | The exemption number or customer usage type is missing. |
2209 | InadequateUniqueAddresses | Recent documents do not show at least 2 unique addresses. |
2210 | ItemCodesAreAllSame | All item codes for the document are the same. |
2211 | TaxCodesAreAllSame | All tax codes for the documents are the same. |
2212 | LocationCodeNotUsed | Company documents don't have a location code. |
2213 | RepeatedLinesInDocument | Company has repeated lines in a document. |
2214 | TaxDateOverrideAndNegativeLineAmount | Company has tax DateOverride and negative LineAmount. |
2215 | AllUSDCurrencyCodes | All recent documents have USD currency codes. |
2216 | NoVATBuyerId | Company does not have VATBuyerId. |
2217 | AllUSCountryCodes | Company has only US country codes. |
2218 | NoDocumentsToTest | This company doesn't have documents. |
2219 | NoShippingCharge | No shipping charge in recent documents. |
2314 | FailedToUpdateCompanyLocation | Failed to update the location of this company. |
2315 | CompanyLocationDateRangeOverlap | The requested date range is not allowed. |
2400 | FieldLengthError | A field has an invalid length. |
2401 | InputContainsBlacklistedCharacters | The input for this field contains blacklisted characters |
2402 | CannotCreateNestedObjects | Cannot include new object(s) of different type within the request object. |
2501 | BatchTransactionTypeError | A batch transaction must use exactly one of the following properties: CreateTransactionModel, AdjustTransactionModel, VoidTransactionModel. |
2502 | BatchTransactionLineLimitExceeded | The batch transaction contains too many transaction lines. |
2503 | BatchCompanyIdAndCompanyCodeMismatch | Batch transaction's Company ID and Company Code does not match. |
2504 | BatchCannotBeCancelledStatusError | A batch can only be canceled while its state is waiting or processing. |
2505 | BatchCannotBeCancelledFormatError | File batches cannot be canceled. |
2600 | InvalidParameterDataType | The required parameter data type when creating a parameter is not correct. |
2601 | VersionTooOld | The version requested is no longer supported. |
2602 | VersionNotValid | The verison requested is not valid. |