HSCode and AvataxCode classification service

Access to the Production API

To interact with this API, you need to acquire a bearer token. To acquire a bearer token:

  1. Create a License Key.
  2. Call Avalara Identity to get an access token:
    curl -X POST https://identity.avalara.com/connect/token \                                                 
    -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
    -d "grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=<avatax_account_id>&client_secret=<license key>&scope=avatax_api
    Sample response
       "access_token": "<jwt_access_token>",
       "expires_in": 3600,
       "token_type": "Bearer",
       "scope": "avatax_api"
  3. The access_token can be used to interact with the API.
  4. The access_token is valid for 1 hour, after which you will need to request a fresh token.

Access to the Sandbox API

To interact with the Sandbox API, you can request for a bearer token from your Avalara integration specialist. You can use the bearer token issued for a fixed number of classification requests against the sandbox API.