

When accessing a collection, you are able to filter on any field that is shown in the results using this format:[[FIELD, OPERATOR, VALUE], [FIELD, OPERATOR, VALUE]]

Example: ?filter=[["id","=",5],["name","=","my name"],["customer_number","in","abc123,cc00005"]]


The following operators are also available, but limited to the field type you are searching on. For example you cannot use < with a boolean field.

"=", "<", ">","=<", "=>", "like", "ilike", "<>", "in"


Filtering by booleans is available with the following case insensitive values:

"yes", "y", "1", "true", 1, true, "false", "no", "n", "0", 0, false

Multiple Values (in)

Filtering can be done on multiple values by using the "in" operator and splitting the value by commas.

?filter=[["id","in","1,2,3,4,5"]] ?filter=[["customer_number","in","abc123,123abc,cc0000005"]] ?filter=[["","in","Washington,Arizona"]]

NOTE: Ids and numeric values need to be encapsulated in a string, ["id","in","1,2,3,4,5"] not ["id","in",1,2,3,4,5]

URL Encoding

In some cases URL encoding may be required to make sure the filter JSON is valid:

?filter=[["name","=","Bob & Nicks Emporium"]]

Will cause an 'Invalid JSON' error so url encode the & symbol:

?filter=[["name","=","Bob %26 Nicks Emporium"]]

Filtering on Null

Filtering by null is also available, but it must be raw null value (not in quotes).


Filtering on Empty

Filtering by "" can sometimes cause a PDO error:


The solution is to change from an empty string to null:


Filtering on Relationships

Filtering based on expanded relationships is also available:

?filter=[["", "=", "value"]]

NOTE: All of the expanded relationship filters are custom set white listed filters, if you feel you should be able to filter on something but can't, let us know at

Filtering on Vendor Records:


NOTE: by default is_vendor is set to false on all requests.

Searching for Outgoing Records:


NOTE: by default is_outgoing is set to false on all requests.